i have seen many arguements these past few days since the annoucement and everyone has the wrong idea and love bashing on sideshow(I agree and disagree with the bashing)
firstly it is not xenophobic or racist to criticise the saudi government or ewc. if something is rubbish or bullshit call it out
secondly this point is mainly about sideshow and people critising him. everyone needs to get out of the mindset of, oh he works in the US its worse or riot is owned by tencent and its controlled by the ccp, this isnt a contest of who owns what or who is worse
everyone across the world and in valorant need to get out of the mindset of, 'oh but so and so is worse' that is a rubbish mindset to have. so because he or someone is from the US, UK or some country, they cannot call something that is wrong out? are we all to sit in silence and not say anything because our country's did or are doing horrible things? I am from APAC must i also keep quiet because my country did or is doing bad things?
i am in the middle, im not right leaning, im not left leaning, im just not a dickhead thats should be everyone's goal. just dont be a dickhead and be a human being. this isnt about virtual signaling this isnt about being 'woke' or political, its about being a human being, having morales and caring about other people as well.
orgs and companies like Sen and riot care about public perception, riot brought back hextech chest after saying it wasnt possible. if you really want to make a change do it, dont just say it and for the people that really dont see an issue with the saudi government or ewc I plead you to take off your blinders or biased glasses and read up on it.
I hope to spark meaningful conversations about it below