if this was real then she wouldn’t be able to attend EWC, SEN is so shameless
being a transgender in saudi is a big no no
''Sex-change surgery is illegal in Saudi Arabia except to intersex people, and it's against the law for men to wear women's clothing or to act feminine, and vice versa. Transgenderism and cross- dressing are associated with homosexuality and are penalized the same as homosexuality.''
that said penalty: ''Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited under Sharia law, under which all sex outside of marriage, include same-sex sexual activity, is criminalised. The maximum penalty under the law is the death penalty. Both men and women are criminalised under this law. In addition to potentially being captured by laws that criminalise same-sex activity, trans people may also face prosecution for failing to adhere to strict dress codes imposed by Sharia law.''
To be clear these are not acceptable laws to have in your country and there has to be reform
With that being said these laws aren't heavily enforced either. For example flor wouldn't get shot down and killed the moment she steps on Saudi soil and wpuld probably be able to compete in the tournament, it'll just be more difficult (and borderline impossible tbh) for her to express herself comfortably
(Also I don't think death penalty is enforced at all I n recent years)