Flag: Canada
Registered: August 4, 2023
Last post: July 15, 2024 at 3:21 PM
Posts: 4

The org wants to win and NAVI likely won't go for unproven talents if they want to win. At least with Patitek he went to a major and caused some noise (like jL and iM from the CS team) so I see the potential for NAVI to pick him up. As for Kaajak and Heartbeat, even though they have been doing well in T2, I doubt NAVI with their money and status will go for T2 talents. So if the org will only buy the best players, why do you need a coach whose best quality is development? This roster is fire but I just don't see it happening

posted 7 months ago

Watch them keep ANGE1

Also, why not bring back Erik?

posted 7 months ago

NAVI need to sell the frauds ANGE1 and ardiis
ANGE1 aims worse than FNS and can't call
ardiis is a star player who doesn't frag
This team would do better if they had 2 T2 randoms instead

posted 7 months ago

Let's be honest here FPX gets rolled by every team in internationals, they are not winning. I also don't watch Pacific so why are Secret and Talon here? If NRG are having a bad day they won't win. As a delusional EG fan, if Potter cooks, they could beat FNC right now

posted 10 months ago