You can’t have anyone who went to masters Bangkok. Here would be my Pacific team
happywei --> smokes/second senti
I chose happywei on smokes with a potential secondary role of sentinel in cases of double sentinel. happywei is a strong site anchor who currently employs his trade at Xi Lai Gaming, who recently won ascension. Although primarily known for his Cypher, happywei has been playing a lot of Omen throughout kickoff, and looks extremely promising while doing so. His crisp aim and intelligent playstyle merits a spot on my team as the primary smoker.
GuanG --> sentinel
GuanG is insane. Definite S-tier player in the CN region. Can play Vyse, who is extremely strong in the meta right now, but also isn't afraid of shying away from agents like Cypher, as well as duelists. His aim is insane, and he can anchor like an absolute god, thus slotting into my team as the primary sentinel. GuanG will be expected to site hold 1v5s.
whzy --> duelist
As ardiis once said, "he's a really good duelist". The rest is history, need I say more?
Viva --> scan initiator/second duelist/controller
The GOAT. Unfortunately, slightly misused by XLG and is current getting used to Omen and Cypher after being signed by Xi Lai Gaming in the offseason. However, I say we put him where he belongs, which is Sova. Moreover, we can also consider inserting him onto Tejo. Besides that, he can also play a very solid Viper, a decently strong Skye, and a meh Omen/Cypher if desperately needed. Will also be IGLing the team.
Knight --> flash initiator
Really good, can play KAY/O, can play Breach. Good gamer, solid util, pretty decent aim. Plays for BiliBili, FNS are you ok?
If imports, probably nephhh for flash initiator/igl over Knight
if no imports, Viva igl
Ezeir: Extremely strong smokes player currently for NOVA esports. Chose happywei over him for flexibility reasons. I'm a bit of a double senti enjoyer, and the fact that happywei can slot into a double senti comp while Viva plays smokes (which, admittedly, he isn't too accustomed to yet) could be rather nice.
Coconut: Can play flash and scan initator, but I really do just prefer Viva, he's shown in tier 1 that he can play a very solid Sova and is a rather versatile player.
AAAAY: If you hate tactics and love crisp aim, this is the guy for you, but not for my team.
Yosemite: This guy actually almost slipped into my team, but honestly, my happywei/GuanG bias might just be clouding my vision (also they can both play senti, and Viva has a good Viper).
Z1yan: Really solid player, but I just don't think he merits a slot in my team, not quite there to be in a "top (blank) of the region" list.
CB: Really solid, quite versatile, whzy clears. Now we can move on to the next.
Levius: Used to hate this guy, had a great off season showing, a bit slower in kickoff, but I think that if it's a team for the future, he could look very solid.
B1ack: TEC kinda sucks ngl, B1ack is a solid initiator though, and while that alone doesn't merit a place on my team, he is a decent player nonetheless.
TYLOO: While the team sucks, hfmi, slowly, Eren, and Ninebody are all really solid players. It's a shame that they have nothing to show for it.
Spring: Exciting young duelist, but once again, isn't whzy, so he'll have to settle with a place in my HM.
Lysoar: Almost made the cut, but, again, XLG ftw. (ok but he genuinely could've made it on the team but I just am a happywei/GuanG enjoyer)
Nicc: Love the guy, really solid igl, good on flashes as well, didn't make team because he's perhaps mechanically a cut below the other players on this team.
SpiritZ1: Signing for the future, but already looks cracked now, can play duelist, can play initiator, can play senti, decent versatility, good aim, cracked gamer.