what are these new agents they releasing just makes the game less fun it's been shit for past 2 years and they make it worse with each agent release might just go back to cs or single player games game is ass now
i want valorant gameplay but games turning into overwatch now with every agent release and agents like neon running and gunning just added a new shit. they wont fix the game just keep pushing out skins and shit agents playing cs? might just do that
riot said replay system where is it? they dont fix anything in this shit game but will keep shitting out new brainrot skins and trash agents none asked for
no replay system no new content no new game modes you guys just have brainrot you just need new dopamine hits with trash ass skins trash new agents just run and gun and brainrot phone shit they added this is my last post on this shit game and this game is dying in next 2 years bye