i was laughing so hard lmaoo
Flag: | El Salvador |
Registered: | September 5, 2022 |
Last post: | March 1, 2025 at 10:59 PM |
Posts: | 836 |
i was laughing so hard lmaoo
literally what happened moments ago lmao
john cena just turned heel wtf is travis scott doing lmaoo
they're brainwashed by these riot controlled streamers if you say anything about them they will downvote you nothing new bro they're just sheeps
you're delusional if you think riot doesnt control these streamers
what team deserves to be kicked from franchising and why it has to be global embarrasment
lot of the streamers are just bots like tarik censored and controlled by riot games will only say what they want him to say ardiis and shanks are just chill streamers saying shit your friends would say in a group chat
is scream not gonna compete anymore? did he give any update
will that get global embarrasment out of the franchsie i'd happily do it
they should just be kicked from franchising
Navi won the first ever cs2 major GE is just GE
all the team should keep faming global frauds till the end of the season and hopefully after this riot will kick this fraud org and rushindra out of the franchise and get some other org that deserves to be there indians players deserve better
rushindra has hired some dogs to talk shit to me in the forums so you guys can suck my big indian meat
i can't express how happy i am right now i'm not this happy even when i'm with my girlfriend these frauds deserve this thank you DFM for farming these frauds i hope and pray these frauds get farmed every single match like this and i hope riot kicks these frauds out of the league fuck rushindra fuck global embarrasment people apac keep farming this org till then and open your eyes indians these frauds are using you guys for clouts but they won't give indians the chance to play i have never prayed to for someone's downfall this hard before tho i feel bad for the new GE players but my hate for rushindra and this org is greater
so every time GE plays? cuz all they ever do is lose
i am calm stating my opinions on vlr like every other user i've been around for years don't need these global frauds to tell me what to do
they have been an non indian team for ever since they entered the league only gave two indians a chance only 1 of them was playing at a time then the ceo would blame indians saying that indians are good enough while never having an indian core to begin with he just wants the indian clout without giving the indians the chance these tryouts these people are talking about were held on singapore servers which puts indians at a massive ping disadvantage they'll never tell you the full story
another one of rushindra's dogs lmao how much did he pay you?
GE was chosen because of indians because people showed alot of support for skrossi that's it nothing global esports did stands out from what other orgs are doing it was the original roster that got the fans backing them especially skrossi if you've been around that long then you know what i'm talking about global esports is nothing but a joke now
much love to philippines keep farming global embarrasment brother
go back to licking rushindra's balls he might go diddy mode tonight with you aswell
rushindra is a bitch fuck global esports
talking about indian valorant scene while sucking rushindra's cock lmao shut the fuck up
it not because of GE but because of skrossi our people supported skrossi so much i swear to god if it wasn't for skrossi this org would never have made it this far
for the entirety of global embarrasments run in vct they only had 2 indian players everyone else has been a foreign don't give me that excuse if it weren't for the indian players this org would never have made it this far ungrateful pieces of shit like you are the reason why this org is able to get away with doing things the way they're doing right now shut the fuck up and go back to rushindra you dog
Hope this org dies after this season keep farming them till then
Rushindra got them thinking that indians are the problem kicked every indian out still getting dogwalked
Why do people keep mentioning navi lmao I have navi in my flair cause I like their cs2 team I don't support any valorant team I only hate one and it's global embarrassment navi as an org is something global can never become
He's only in it for the money he knows our people will blindly support any Indian team but this fraud is exploiting it
Tarik said the same thing get an all indian roster and let them get experience and build up but this fraud rushindra just wants an instant success and just wants to use indians for clout but doesn't wanna give his own people a chance to prove themselves he forgot it was an Indian roster that brougt global eSports where it is today our people are too brainwashed by this dog rushindra I hope they get farmed this season as always
Stop the cap they don't belong in this league kick global out
That's fine by me no more india getting embarrassed on a global stage
I will keep fighting till i die
I am Indian and I'm down to support indian teams but not these frauds who exploit our people's support and use them for clout our people deserves better
India deserves better global used indians for clout and when they reached the league they kicked everyone that got them there and brainwashed indians into supporting a non Indian team and thinking that they're the problem lmao fuck rushindra and fuck global eSports I hope everyone farms this team this entire season and riot kicks them out of franchise after this
I've always been saying GE needs to be an all indian team but rushindra has brainwashed you people thinking no indian will be better lmao
1 indian 4 outsiders shut the fuck up rushindras dog
I can't express how happy I am right now keep farming these global embarrassment frauds keep it going
navi flair cuz i like the navi cs team i don't support any valorant team i just hate one and that is global esports frauds hope these frauds get kicked out of the league soon fuck rushindra too
if you support global esports then fuck you too
i hope every other team farms these frauds for the rest of the season till riot kicks these frauds out of the league
they will get shit on this season too like every other season and they should get kicked out of the league fuck them indians should boycott this trash org
my uncontrollable hate for global frauds makes me blind to everything else all i see is red
i hope this team gets shit on the entire season and riot kicks this fraud org out of the league
glad this fraud lineup made by rushindra exploiting indian fans and their support these dudes would get a non indian lineup every season get shit on and then blame indians for not having good players use indians to get to the top and then abandon then fuck global esports and the people that support them