"b-b-but FNC in 2023" no one cares about ur Jurassic-era trophies where every team was weak because of franchising
Because winning is hard, it's easy to judge behind a keyboard, Heretics reached two finals with a unstable roster, they had to deal with player changes the whole year with miniboo not being here for a split and wo0t having visa issues at the start of the year.
It's like people here can only hate, it's all you guys do, wait for a team or a player to fail just to shit on them, absolutely pathetic behavior.
right, as if you’re not going to do the exact same thing if emea actually wins something
you’ll complain about how americas fans are “haters” but people like you will be the first to start the americas laugh thread if they do end up bombing out. don’t pretend as if you’re above us or any regions’ fans when i’ve seen you specifically try and shit on other regions when they lose one game
also it doesn’t matter how new teams are, everyone gets a fresh start every year. geng was a new team and they beat heretics in a grand final. t1 is a brand new team (who swapped out players MID EVENT) and they knocked out vitality, the “super team”
at some point, the excuses have to stop and the results need to replace them
you’re humble NOW because you’ve started losing. i can recall you specifically saying “emea crushed americas in 2024” and that americas in an “overrated region” before the event even started; you had crazy overconfidence in your region and especially vitality and said them and liquid clear everyone else
you are no better than any regions fans; in fact i’d consider you worse because i constantly see you whining about other regions’ fans whenever they shit talk yours. it’s embarrassing.
i also still have edg coming back from lowers to win so i really don’t care who between the 3 remaining teams wins
Saying Americas is carried by one team is funny because Americas has shown that this just isn't even true. in 2023 EMEA were HARD carried by FNATIC and 2024 carried by TH (who still didn't win anything). Meanwhile multiple teams in Americas are able to be competitive and have gotten top 4s at events, or won (G2/100T/SEN/EG/LEV/LOUD/NRG)