ask me anything(will answer a bit later)
alpha any even integer works, because 2(1+2+...+n)=n(n+1). We claim these are the only solutions.
If alpha is not an even integer, we can add any even integer to alpha without changing whether the condition holds (due to the same identity), so we may assume that -1<alpha<=1.
Case 1: alpha=1. This fails because 1+2=3 is not a multiple of 2.
Case 2: 0<alpha<1. Let k>1 be the smallest integer such that k(alpha)>=1; note that k(alpha)=(k-1)(alpha)+alpha<1+1=2. Hence taking n=k, the sum is 0+0+...+0+1=1, which is not a multiple of n.
Case 3: -1<alpha<0. Let k>1 be the smallest integer such that k(alpha)<-1; note that k(alpha)=(k-1)(alpha)+alpha>(-1)+(-1)=-2. Hence taking n=k, the sum is (-1)+(-1)+...+(-1)+(-2)=-n-1, which is not a multiple of n.
Hence the only alpha which work are the even integers.
Hyunmin or buzz
Spiders or centipedes
Tuesday or Monday
stranded in desert or stranded at sea
ice cream or ice cream sandwich
favorite music genre?
favorite music artist?
favorite song? (doesn't have to be from favorite artist)
favorite video game?
favorite color? (explain why)
you're lost on an island with 1 other person, guy or girl?
would you rather every time you sneeze the walls of the room start talking to you until you leave or everytime you shake someone's hand?
Note: Your answers will be scored and compared