Sage mains are actually the most infuriating fucking people to get on your team in ranked
Like they absolutely under no circumstance ever play anything else, even when there's already 1 or even 2 sentinels on their team because the useless fucktards know they have zero fucking conceptions of how to actually use util and think wall main and heal duelist is the epitome of strategic depth and also can't bring themselves to play duelist because they have the aim of a catatonic 87 year old man missing most of his fingers and have the movement of a fucking target drone from the range. They somehow have zero sense of self preservation whilst simultaneously being the most timid fucking players of all time who refuse to peak anything even if their entire team is there with them. They contribute genuinely nothing whilst simultaneously being so fucking critical of anything that their hollow skull conceives as a mistake (i.e doing literally anything even slightly aggressive even when it's the correct fucking decision), which they for some reason think they're entitled to screech about in chat like a child because they healed you for 6 health and insta walled main (which got destroyed in the first 5 seconds of the round).
And when their team mates rightfully get annoyed at them for going 1-32 (their one kill was on someone who was detained) they screech about how kills aren't everything and they're "carrying with support" and then point to their assist number as if the useless fucking kills they get from impactless heals makes them a util savant (the one time they picked KJ they spent the entire prep phase trying to figure out how to place one turret (they placed it facing a wall 5 seconds after the prep phase ended anyway)). Like they seem genuinely insulted at the notion that an FPS game would require them to use their fucking gun.
I BEG Riot just nukes this god forsaken horse shit out of the game cuz if I get another one of these fucking troglodytes throwing my ranked games I am gonna crash out even harder