AITA for breaking my IGLS nose?

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Alright, so this might sound bad, but hear me out.

I (18M) am a pro Valorant pro player, and recently, during a team discussion, my IGL (32M) FNS said something that really set me off. We were reviewing a lost match, and he called one of my plays "actual Bronze-tier decision-making." Now, I get it—it's his job to criticize, but after every match of him going -30 I just snapped.

So, mid-conversation, I stood up, walked over, and... well, I decked him. Straight to the nose. It was one clean shot—no follow-ups or anything—but apparently, I hit him hard enough to break it. Chaos ensued, staff got involved, and before I knew it, I was escorted out and—yep—arrested. I’m currently writing this from jail, waiting for my release.

Now, obviously, my career took a hit. I got dropped from the team, but I already got an offer from Shopify Rebellion Gold once I'm out, so I'm not too worried. But my ex-teammates are pissed, calling me unprofessional, unhinged, and saying I threw away a great opportunity. My coach tried to defend my actions but he was dropped too-apparently he put his career on the line for me and it didnt work out.

I get that violence isn’t the answer, but I just felt like I had to stand up for myself. So... AITA?

EDIT: Since a lot of people are asking—no, I don’t regret the punch, but yes, I regret getting caught.


Nice AI generated content bro, seems like u have nothing better to do than this , it was fun earlier, now ur just dragging it out and it's not at all funny


bro is the fun police...


bro it doesn't work as an AITA if you leave specifics in.

-remove fns, just refer to him as IGL (32m)

-remove shopify gold, say you got an offer with another team


NTA, he deserved it


NTA, how old is he?

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