yeah sorry but why always them? like it cant be possible that for every loss they have a bad excuse. Its never "yeah th lost because they played bad" its always "noo they lost because they are sick and they had the bad pcs" like what just accept that they cant play abyss thats it man
Brother what are you even trying to say? Every single issue they've had has been known before they played, you think they just make up shit just in case they lose or what
They have been sick the last few games, just by watching the voice comms vid in the BBL game they are coughing each sentence. They havent said their team was sick when they havent been, just the last two games
Then you're just saying the first thing that pops on your head without thinking it twice because you can't come out and say "We haven't screamed in weeks" if you have, other teams would just say you're lying
Man how the fuck are you saying this,when vitality make a tech pause because sayf hit his keyboard after riens wins him the duel on iso ult then tech pause and the pause destroy heretics momentum and vitality comeback.