Not the king but the face
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | August 10, 2024 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 4:58 PM |
Posts: | 272 |
What is this dude talking abt 😭😭
Easiest group for TL and fut to breeze through prolly BBL too
If g2 don’t ban bind they’re already down 1-0
G2 have a great chance on abyss and pearl though, their lotus is solid too
Bruh idk where the TE downplay coming from
I’d say it’s 60/40 in favor of g2. Maybe even 55/45 because TE had 3 weeks to prep and we already know they can cook because of their bind
Idk what kinda delusion you were living in before champs if you think ANYONE thought an NA team was winning 😭😭
how has this team not lost a match? how is inspire out of all people on the best tier 2 NA team???
how in any way is SEN even near the level of VIT
should be
they had like no practice because they were sick, overall the team's confidence was extremely low this game
they just need a reset like this to prep for split 1
other than NRG that's correct. the NRG glaze is crazy but sliggy was basically leading it
would you disagree that strongly with G2 SEN 100T top 3?
You’re just repeating yourself
I asked what bias other than G2. They were underrating SEN and they made Bangkok
what NA bias other than them glazing G2 (which sliggy and TMV do as well)
they did NOT get lucky what are you on
they destroyed FUT then 100T (who people were predding to win btw) then rolled G2 in the lower final
Def been underperforming this year no doubt. He was great last year
G2 and SEN??? Holyyyyyy LFG
BBL and FUT beating fnatic is a better achievement than what any Brazil team other than MIBR has done
Surely you realize half the twitter 100t fans would actually think this is an amazing roster move that would but them top 3
Their favorite team is brutally assfucking the shit out of mibr in a game to qualify for an international event how would you ever expect them to be quiet
100T need no fixes rn stop this
Got extreme diffed by one of the teams in this LB final and destroyed the other
They were playing against the avengers is why
I’ve lived in America my whole life???? You act like you know me, DRX is just my favorite team in pacific i choose to rep whoever tf I want
I’m just Japanese I’m an NA fan I live in america
No one brought up APAC why you saying anything abt them
G2 MIBR TRACE EDG VIT TH already sounding stacked
He spent an entire year in EMEA naturally he not gonna be used to the player skill level in AMER and get shit on
Bro… I didn’t misread your point. I disagree with your point. I’m saying something completely different I’m not repeating what you’re saying lmaoo
I said you proved my point because you said whoever has the better by the playbook strats is the better one, and I said that’s g2 in my previous post, so that just confirms my thought about g2 being the best with tejo. You’re disagreeing because you think SEN and DRX have better tejo plans and util but I disagree
MY POINT was that SEN and DRX have the better individual players and not the better from the playbook util than G2.
I am DISAGREEING with you in saying SEN and DRX have better plans around the util and I’m saying they just have the better individual tejos, which you cannot deny is true (the stats are literally there to prove it for both teams)
Still feel like putting 6-10 more people on salary is not worth it but if you’re rich ig
What’s the point of having an academy team then, selling the spot?
Does riot not allow teams to play if they don’t have a core that will be 18 by next year or sum shit?
Almost certain is crazy, nothing is guaranteed. Verno played great in the offseason then sucks on the tier 1 stage, something needs to improve it’s not certain whatsoever
How the fuck did I possibly misread, you said verbatim “a large portion of tejo usage comes from the playbook not from on the fly use” which is exactly I said g2 is better at than DRX and SEN. I said the exact same thing that they have a good game plan around it (e.g. straight out the playbook)
You’re saying Trent should theoretically be better individually but that’s in theory, he hasn’t been so far and I was countering the original post about DRX and SEN
Verno has been ass all year Ethan has been mid compared to usual and FNS is the worst player in Americas
Mada is amazing and s0m is great I’ll give u that
You literally just proved my point LMFAOOO
That’s literally my point, G2 have better by the playbook strats and game plans for tejo and know how they want to play the comp with the breach combos, etc.
I was saying freeing and johnqt are individually better tejo players, which means that their on the fly until usage is better
Dk how you got the opposite from what I said
Doesn’t give you an excuse to just straight up lie
LEV I can understand (still wrong) but EVIL GENUISES??????
Freeing and johnqt are just better at tejo than Trent, g2 has the correct game plan around it
but still below other main Raze duelist
Almost like he said it!
No one even talking about artzin you glazing like crazy
Obviously artzin is better but no need to keep his dick in your mouth
It’s called watching the games Ana analyzing their gameplay, looking at their take on the meta and how they look like the best at utilizing tejo so far and they have insane player qual which we know from last year and they had a firepower upgrade with jawg
seems like an onliner. even in offseason he was performing though, guess he just choking on the tier 1 stage
played good in the 100t match tho