Hot Take: Broken characters are good for Pro play

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For Pro Play:

Last year, there was no "broken" or busted character, and what ended up happening? Boring ass shit where people run omen on every map but bind where they run brim and do the exact same comps and see who can out optimize each other and I hated watching the comps just be the same stale comps until someone changed a single agent and it was REVOLUTIONARY

let me get some broken ass tejo comps where theres some 1 initiator 3 smokes 1 duelist bullshit that wins maps, that shit is FUN TO WATCH


you just described FPX


yeah but it wasn't optimal to play, and although they got some upset wins the comps would not win actual events

i want to see something like the ascent 3riple init comp 1 smokes and chamber again god i yearn for bullshit to be meta


What I love about Tejo is the fact that YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY SEE TEAMS RUN A TEAM COMP THAT DOESN'T HAVE ONE OF SOVA OR FADE IN IT (excluding Gekko/Skye or solo Skye on like Bind or Split)


It's actually so cool because he doesn't replace Sova/Fade, but just brings that half-recon in the form of a drone, which perfectly complements the soft info of Gekko and Skye.

So now we might see Tejo/Gekko, Tejo/Skye, maybe even Tejo/Kayo, which are all double ini comps that bias toward punishes rather than info (finally).


tbh I don't know whether I agree with you or disagree with you.
For me what makes watching the game entertaining is the showing of mechanics, which have the opportunity to shine more with mirror comps (this is also why I'm a fan of CS alongside val, literally everything in that game is the same, and mechanics is what sets teams apart). So in that sense I disagree

That's why I really really enjoyed watching the Chamber meta, but that is an example of a broken agent. That's an example of an agent highlighting mechanics more, so I guess circumstantially I agree


I mean who doesn't love watching a clip of benjy get a 4k on site, or t3xture just fling himself into site and just somehow end up winning a 1v3 entry

I of course loved watching this year, even though I felt the comps were stale because of how insane the teams all were individually, and stale comps let mechanics shine, but I personally love watching teams come up with plans they cooked extremely hard that aren't just one time gimmicks because I love the agent part of valorant just as much as the mechanics part. After a year of the mechanics shining, I do want a bit of chaos in coaches and comps being what wins games, not just that if you aren't playing optimal then eventually you will lose because you're not as good of a "fundamental" team


chamber clears



chamber allowed for the fucking craziest comps ever, and watching that was actual peak

give me more of broken chamber after having no broken agents for 2 years (neon doesn't count, didn't even happen during an on-season tourney and also it wasn't fun, it just replaced jett and raze on every map which is boring as fuck)


read the title already disagree


Tejo will never be run solo initiator. That's like running solo Kayo.

The whole point of initiators is that they have enough utility to challenge multiple points of contact throughout the round. Solo Tejo would have to save almost all of it for site hits/retakes.


Did we completely forget about Neon? Everyone, pros, players and fans alike were complaining about how good Neon was so she definitely fits your condition of a "broken character", yet you still found this year boring? Do you disagree with your own take?


22% pickrate at the only international event she was played at, and during then she was fun as hell to watch

YOU remember the offseason events that she wasn't nerfed throughout, and just like chamber, people got tired of her even though the mechanics required for the agent were high. Any character, when left broken for an entire season, will be called boring as fuck and needing nerfs.

You are making an argument where you don't want to understand the other side, you just chose to make a point and vehemently stick to it, which is why you are attacking my intelligence here instead of elaborating on your argument

Ahhhh edited the little
"You are smart" part at the end out


Okay, what's your definition of a broken character? Neon was most definitely broken even if her viability was limited to a few maps. She didn't change the way you formed compositions but she undoubtedly had a stronger chance of winning a fight than any other character. Are you saying that she was fun to watch even though she wasn't broken?

just like chamber, people got tired of her even though the mechanics required for the agent were high

Neon did NOT need any level of mechanics, only the bare minimum that you'd expect out of a professional. You didn't need to pace your sprint, you didn't need to think about when to slide, and when you did slide, you were often given a free kill simply for pressing LMB. Lol

You are making an argument where you don't want to understand the other side, you just chose to make a point and vehemently stick to it, which is why you are attacking my intelligence here instead of elaborating on your argument

Lol what. I just want to understand how this take could possibly be formed under the veil that is 2024, with Neon and Iso running around that year, they were definitely tuned far beyond needed. I didn't elaborate because I didn't expect you to respond lmao relax


Pros and coaches are little children who absolutely refuse to learn any new agent unless you prove them that it is completely broken right in front of their face, the only thing they are able to run is default meta comps that 99% of the pro scene have already been using for the last two years bc half the comp have broken wall hack shit or bc it's been out for 5 years and they've never ever used anything else

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