My controversial takes

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Fnatic was the first "dominant" team in Valorant history (Dominant in terms of year long not a short period of time ---> Example: Sen 2021)
China is still a one team region regardless of Trace and EDG doing good in champs
Clove is a bad controller comparing to omen and astra even in ranked
The "goat" of Valorant is not born yet (TenZ is considerable)
NA and SA valorant doesn't have to be hostile against each other since they are all considered as one region in franchising (U can argue that they have sub sections in challengers)
EU and China has the most amount of talents
Yay wasnt a "bad" player in 2024, he was decent but he just didnt live up to his expectations
Without Chamber yay would still be a good player and Optic would still be very good in LANs, but not good enough to win Reykjavik
2024 > 2021
Some of the players that were very cracked at the start of valorant would be only a decent player even below average if they started their career in 2024
The weakest LAN winner is ACE (Then FPX)
Chet is a pretty cool guy and coach and shouldnt deserve the hate he got
Team Heretics arent chokers they just werent "the best team in the world"


All facts, except the FPX that won Copenhagen was not a weak team


Fair enough but i would say that if PRX didnt pull out the troll comp they would have more chances against FPX even possibility winning against them


Fun fact troll comps are not troll . They get picked when their usual comps get rolled against structured play because they are not used to it . So they go for more extreme things or surprise element . Don't act like they picked it just for fun .


1: Gmb
2: Sure
3: Not controversial
4: Aspas
5: Americas lol
6: NA T2
7: Y0y
8: y0y
9: water is wet?
10: grass is green?
11: uh huh
12: 🐍
13: :(


Watch ur back fucking snake


NA T2 😂😂😂😂


Silence br0nzil


aspas is the goat of Valorant, no discussion here


Not influential enough (Maybe to BR)


i think china is still the worst region in valorant


Not a bad take watch ur back for 2025




Facts on the EMEA one, the region is just weak because there are barely any solid IGLs in the region. If you cloned Boo 11 times over then EMEA would be the strongest region without a doubt


Now thats a controversial take




lowk all facts minus ur goat take. the true goat tbh never is born if you consider this game continuing forever. even when we eventually decided on one one day someone else will be better.

china is def still a one team region but at least some teams are showing some flashes in the dirt


Fair enough but i can see Valorant go on for another 5 years even 10 and there will be someone more influential than TenZ and Aspas etc

  • Sage is a controller (She fit almost perfectly to the description riot give)
  • Worst patch ever of Val was 5.07 (Flasher update, making soloQ flasher even more soloQ, and proplay flasher even more proplay), this patch solely prove that Riot don't understand the main problem of balance of the game
  • SoloQ should be ABSLUTELY DELETED (For metal sanity reason, and for competitive reason), and the only ELO you could be able to win, is the ELO of your team (Equivalent of Ranked team in LoL in 2015)
  • Head to head is the worst horrible tiebreaker ever invented (Reverse head to head is bad, but least worst then head to hand) and it's not that hard to prove mathematically
  • The only chance GE have to do one day a top grand final of any event is to go full Indian (but it will at least take 5 years)
  • NA Tier 2 should be splited in 3 or maybe 2
  • Every T2 region should have a T3 system like in polaris
  • Valorant should give color team (Red and cyan is confusing, especially when you are in atk POV)
  • Meta mean "Most Efficient Tactics Avaliable", no "Most Used Tactic", stop saying META about something that have 80% Pick Rate and 40% NMWR
  • We should reduce to 8 round per half
  • Number of gold in OT shouldn't be the same at round 25/26 and at round 27/28 for more diversity
  • Nekos will conquer valorant
  • Most purple val skins is horrible and are only "saved" bc of the effects.
  • Neputune its the best Vandal skin.
  1. how so? look at her kit: she slows, which fits senti util, and she walls, which also delays a push like a typical senti. her heal/res doesn't really fit into any role.
  2. yes
  3. what would happen to people who have a hard time finding ppl to queue with? also, sometimes people want to play alone and play with new people. i played lol from 2011/12 and ranked team '15 felt pretty bad and unrewarding.
  4. idk what reverse head to head is, explain?
  5. interesting but i disagree heavily. it'll take at least another 7-8 years unfortunately (being deadass)
  6. split in what way? like west central east?
  7. BAD TAKE. especially for larger countries. in EU, its very east to split based on region since you have many smaller countries to divvy up, but in NA, you can't really split the region into smaller t3 comps (and we already have premier and NACL quals, as well as GC to funnel into t2 talent).
  8. yes
  9. most people don't care enough to enforce the acronym of META to its full extent. also, at the t1/t2 level, most played tactics are usually THE meta tactics (chamber comps in 2022 as an example). in ranked, though, your point makes sense.
  10. why so?
  11. yes

Hes prob talking abt sage on attack where she takes space with her wall and slow


i see, but acting like a pseudo-controller on one half doesn't exactly qualify for the role

  • 1, Sage
    definitions by riot
    ctrl : cutting enemy vision (yes), taking control of an area (yes), and forcing enemies into choke points (yes).
    sent : providing intel (no), anchoring down sites (no), and preventing the enemy from flanking (no)
    She was never used as a Sentinel by any teams, and was replacing a flasher, the same way doble controller replace usually a flasher (exclusion of Bind).
    "delays a push like a typical senti" Controller are also really good at delaying push
    She is truly impossible to class, but she if we have to, then she should be a ctrl because thats how the definition works, and how the
  • 3 SoloQ
    "what would happen to people who have a hard time finding ppl to queue with", Riot (or people), could create tools to help player to find, if nobody want to play with you, then maybe you are the problem (Today nobody would be able to find a team because nobody searsh team because soloQ is the one that is value by community)
    "sometimes people want to play alone and play with new people" they are allowed to in normal game, if they dont want to play in condition to play a game competitive (and in a collective game it's with teamate you trained with), they dont play competitive game
  • 4 HtH
    Taking the looser of HtH instead of the winner (Yeah sounds absurd but point of round robin is to value every game the same reverse HTH value a game between 2 teams 1.5 point instead of 1 pt, while HtH value a game 2.5 wish is too mush, but lets be honnest both are bad)
  • 5 GE
    Maybe more, but we never know, I'm pretty sure if you ask people 1 years ago people would have say it will take 5 year to China to be significant
  • 6 Splitting NA
    NA-West, NA-East is the main solution, then you can either add Canada and/or southern USA wish is a cultural clearely defined Area, this solution would reduce ping issues and give more identity to team in T2
  • 7 T3
    T3 isn't professionnal technically that wont coast money and give time to play in a competitive environment to more teams, in NA it's doable, it's a federal state afterall, and they are some clearly defined region. In France we have a T3 system and people like it, (But I admit it's not league), I admit the T3 system could be a little bit different for large country.
  • 8 Colors
    Neko loves colors with a red laser
  • 9 META
    Yeah, thats just my autistic side that hate shift in meaning when it's an acronym
  • 10 OT
    More diversity, we could see other weapon, other gameplan, maybe it could reduce the number of OT
  • 11 Nekos

1 thanks, i see your point now
3 I still think its a bit unrealistic, and its not like everyone is THAT competitive even in competitive mode. there would be outrage if this happened.
4 mathematically makes sense, but as you said its a bad format; also, 90% of the esports watchers (casual) would be confused even after explanation and normal hth is easier to convey to the general population of VCT watchers
5 dude that's comparing apples to oranges. china had already had a long history of PC (riot especially in LoL) esports and have a ton of money and willing players to invest. on the other hand, India is still a developing country, the people are less focused on esports, PC gaming isn't too popular (mobile gaming is only popular in India for what I've been told), and they don't have much external support.
6 this wouldn't work, since the USA is already too mixed, and there would be tooooo many issues with teams, and player issues. what would happen to t2 teams that already have a team mixed with both subregions?
7 yeah
10 I just like the current system since 12 round halves are perfect for offering teams chances to comeback in late rounds, and the VALORANT community is already used to 12/half.

  • 3 is unrealistic, but that important to do, if we dont… Well people gonna continue soing their mental health worsen, instead of having an amazing human adventure.
  • 4 Definitly, I was a TO and I never use it, they are so many better option, like mapdiff and roundiff
  • 5 My point wasn’t « India is in the same situation than China » My point was more « It’s impossible to guess how many time that will take, everyone understimated China, so maybe for India 5 years will not be overestimated » we can nver know . I agree India struggle will be muuuuuch more harder than China, but what we need is GE taking for few years, better on long termeand thats really give them a chance in 10 years.
  • 6 If they are only 2 T2 region it’s not a problem, if ytou have 5 USA, you will at leave have one 3 player in same T2 region. I dont know if splitting the playerbase in T2 is sush a problem, Europe is also splitted in 5 despite having no national team, and its not that a problem, sure we cant make every team possible, but that gives more diversity, a sense of belonging and that respect ping people have, it's kinda doble edged sword
  • 10 : Technically lesser the round they are, the more the comeback is realistic, but yeah people are used to, but that would sole many issue, it would also please Faria that would want reduce the broadcast tiem.

they need to standardize the ascension format


Impossible to do because the number of team in asention will not be know before the end of SPlit 2 PO


aspas is there
cn needs to stop jerking around actually build good rosters
asking americas fans to not have a na-sa rivalry is like asking spaniards to root for both real madrid and barcelona


The goat of valorant has been born but is not the goat yet



Playing for FNC does not mean ur the goat

  1. maybe thats debatable
  2. meh
  3. no shi sherlock
  4. maybe prob born just not in pro scene yet
  5. just because they are in the same region doesn't mean they should all go along well
  6. idk about china but tbf I don't watch that region a lot so prove me wrong
  7. based
  8. based
  9. not controversial
  10. omg no way
  11. not controversial
  12. mishandled situations

i agree with everything


1.) GMB, OPTIC, LOUD were all pretty dominant not as dominant as fnatic but up there
2.) Depends what you define a 1 team region. if you mean trophy winning potential I agree
3.) Disagree in ranked, she has a very good wr there and in the hands of good players does extremely well
4.) agreed
5.) agreed
6.) I think china still needs some development in terms of talent but as new players join, this take becomes more agreeable
7.) Agreed, there are worse tier 1 players than him, but I believe overall he was average-below average (lack of team structure obv affects this)
8.) just a fact, look at 2021 masters berlin
9.) Agreed, this shouldnt be contro
10.) This is just a fact
11.) Agreed, ACE are the weakest, I disagree with the FPX take however when they won, they were really good and consistent
12.) yeah agreed
13.) Absolutely


Sure, Sure, Clove despite being bad controller is better than both of them as an agent, ??, ????, Sure, Sure, Sure, Sure, Yeah

  1. Optic?
  2. TEC + TE +FPX + STFU they shocked you last year theyll do it again
  3. sure whatever
  4. No way the game lasts another 18 years lmao (also the goat is Rb)
  5. I havent seen that
  6. No its Americas and its not close
  7. Yes also duelists without good setup are very hard to do well (look at demon1)
  8. Yes LOUD would have won but they prob still get 2nd
  9. Yes
  10. Yes (cough xeppaa cough asuna)
  11. Yes on both
  12. 100% #freeChet #banJohnQT
  13. Eh they didnt choke Shanghai/champs but they def choked EMEA leauge

Cold takes but I agree for the most part

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