The Contenders (Chronologically):
Xeppaa at Champs 21 : 0.46 R / 1 game (Liquid) / 0-1 Record
Russ at Copenhagen : 0.56 R / 2 games (PRX, FPX) / 0-2 Record
Ange1 at Champs 22 : 0.57 R / 4 games (DRX, LEV, XSET, DRX) / 2-2 Record
Boaster at Champs 24 : 0.55 R / 3 Games (TH, G2, SEN) / 1-2 Record
My opinion - Worst to Least worst
- Ange1 : Your team went respectably far and didn't play a finalist and you still did this bad? This is the worst one easily imo
- Boaster : Only played 1 finalist, won a game, and still has basically the same rating as Russ, who lost 2 games to finalists. This is really bad.
- Xeppaa : Has the worst rating, but being completely clowned because of 1 game is silly (mickey mouse format gives him a decent excuse).
- Russ : Played shit ofc, but only played 2 games against the finalists, so its more excusable than the rest of them