Hades_Loves_Rb [#5]
IMO Boaster is the best. Boaster only plays this badly when he starts micromanging his team because they are unable to play coherentlty. You can see this in 22 and 23 where in 22 he was actually the 3rd best player on his team and in 23 winning almost every 1v1 and performing average most of the year. His stats only dropped this much when 1. Alfa started inting every game and 2. Hiro a new player came losing the team chem that was had previously. The fact that FNC did so well in 24 champs was due to Boaster igling-which took away from his aim-but his overall performance was stil good since it was what carried FNC to 5/6th
You tried admirably but its just too ridiculous to be taken seriously, like good bait.
There are many fragging igls in this day and age (Valyn, Johnqt, Boo, Munchkin, Kingg, etc). He doesn't have that excuse anymore..
Alfa started inting every game
Maybe as the igl and emotional leader he should have done something to set him straight. And if this is a recurring problem (as it was through the season) they should have addressed it as a team before champs.
Hiro a new player came losing the team chem that was had previously
They played the best they have all year with Hiro in the lineup. It wasn't even close, it was night and day. And hiro played very well, especially as a rookie at his first LAN.
The fact that FNC did so well in 24 champs was due to Boaster igling-which took away from his aim
No it wasn't. Its not speculation, we can listen to it. Go to the DRX voice comms video for example and listen to 5:30 -> 6:10. And igl'ing isn't why he's whiffing an entire clip into an ulting sova 5 feet away from him
he was actually the 3rd best player on his team and in 23
winning almost every 1v1
Yeah cuz all they guys he would be 1v1'ing that year were already dinked to 140 by Leo Derke Chron or Alfa. God that is literally the most misleading stat of all time. Imagine thinking boaster is the most clutch player on the world (Even if you just look at Fnatic, Leo was the best clutcher and it wasn't debatable).