why is everybody indian in this forum? is valorant really that popular in india?
just fake flags
ded game
more alive than you
nah, indians just post a lot before and after an indian team is playing internationally
Vegan forum
Lowkey hope that one day India, JP and TR are the top 3 regions
i hope not lmao
Imagine we get a F0rsaken on every LAN , the viewership will be above the bars Valorant more like VACorant
india account for 8% of total desktop traffic https://www.similarweb.com/website/vlr.gg/#overview
Its because they have 1-2 cringe kids that spam in every thread. Especially about sentinels
helo HasosP
werent you brazlian
Yes but my grandpa Egyptian
Its because India has a population of 1.3 billion and the only country even close (and a little bit ahead) is China and chinese dont even have valorant
people are fakeing to be indians
At the time right now I think Valorant is the most popular PC game in India. People here love valorant.