Take a deep breath. Look outside your window.
Breathe out.
Be normal.
Fun fact! Intersex conditions are disorders of sexual development, which affect they way you sexually develop (phenotypes, hormones, etc), but are irrelevant for your underlying sex!
That is defined by whether or not you have an active SRY gene. This gene is only found on the Y chromosome, except for exceptionally rare cases when it transmutes to an X chromosome and you get XX Males (because the SRY gene is active). Thus we can conclude that since this person has a Y chromosome, and because there is no reason to believe that it is inactive, that this person is a male!
Wow! Shoutout to my girlfriend who has a degree in computational biology for fact checking this for me!
men can get pregnant?
No, of course men cannot get pregnant, and neither can 'she'. You just made that up.
So what we're gonna do is offer you a challenge that will put consequences on being wrong (put your money where your mouth is).
If, by the end of the LEV vs TLN match, you can provide verifiable evidence that either
A. "She" has ever, at anytime, been pregnant
B. Possesses any eggs/ovum
I will never post again. If you cannot, you never post again. If you accept, we can even put it in that big receipt thread if you want.
If you weren't completely bullshitting, it should be an easy call right?
so only women that have been pregnant before can be believed to be able to get pregnant?
and i also told you that she was born as a woman, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are normally a sign for that, but idk, maybe you failed third grade lmaooo
(and before you cry about evidence, how about you provide your own first)