Stealing this concept from other video games, but basically, riot should put everyone at Iron 1 at the start of the episode. Games are based on MMR from last episode or whenever you last played, and You gain an absolute shit load. Double and Triple Rank ups are common and even if you lose, but you play well you will still gain rr. This eliminates the fact that a lot of people quit after they go on a bad loss streak or throw games because the only lose 7-8. It makes the grind more fun and competitive but also makes it harder to go on insane win/loss streaks to get to a higher or lower rank you don't deserve. It's just an Idea considering that the current system sucks for any rank especially Immo 1+ since they are guaranteed D2 - Asc and often times ff or don't give a fuck about their placements. Placements just seem like an awful concept IMO. Let me know what you think