New Episode Reset Idea

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Stealing this concept from other video games, but basically, riot should put everyone at Iron 1 at the start of the episode. Games are based on MMR from last episode or whenever you last played, and You gain an absolute shit load. Double and Triple Rank ups are common and even if you lose, but you play well you will still gain rr. This eliminates the fact that a lot of people quit after they go on a bad loss streak or throw games because the only lose 7-8. It makes the grind more fun and competitive but also makes it harder to go on insane win/loss streaks to get to a higher or lower rank you don't deserve. It's just an Idea considering that the current system sucks for any rank especially Immo 1+ since they are guaranteed D2 - Asc and often times ff or don't give a fuck about their placements. Placements just seem like an awful concept IMO. Let me know what you think


This would just create more boosted players dude


How are iron players meant to get out of iron then

Aladeenn [#2]

This would just create more boosted players dude

how exactly?

cloudberry [#3]

How are iron players meant to get out of iron then

as I said. Games are based on mmr. so they will still play their rank but also will gain more lose less so its easier to get out of, but eventually it will go back to normal when they start struggling.


this is even worse, its just smurf city in iron non stop
actually horrible idea. don't ruin the game for the large majority in low elo to appease the small minority in high elo

nobody___100 [#6]

this is even worse, its just smurf city in iron non stop
actually horrible idea. don't ruin the game for the large majority in low elo to appease the small minority in high elo

do you know what mmr is? look at diamond right now. diamonds from last act, ascendant, immortals and even radiants are all in diamond, yet diamonds play diamonds, ascendants play ascendants and immortals play immortals. wonder how that works???

Penqu1N [#7]

do you know what mmr is? look at diamond right now. diamonds from last act, ascendant, immortals and even radiants are all in diamond, yet diamonds play diamonds, ascendants play ascendants and immortals play immortals. wonder how that works???

then whats the point of putting everyone in iron???


wouldnt work at all

nobody___100 [#8]

then whats the point of putting everyone in iron???

makes the grind more challenging
people that lose and often bottom frag will be put in their true rank
and the current system is shit


Nah the old system of episode resets isn't that good but this isn't that good either, could you imagine people who are actually that low of a rank trying to climb out it would basically be impossible.

DBStudios [#11]

Nah the old system of episode resets isn't that good but this isn't that good either, could you imagine people who are actually that low of a rank trying to climb out it would basically be impossible.

how so?


Low rank people would get stomped in like the first week or two of the new act.....


dumbest post I read on this site

Serath [#13]

Low rank people would get stomped in like the first week or two of the new act.....

dude MMR is a thing...

NekoSugarGirls17 [#14]

dumbest post I read on this site

Why's that?


lol imagine 5 Stacking with ur Iron friends and then get matched up with s0m,FNS,Shanks,Subroza and TenZ

Penqu1N [#15]

dude MMR is a thing...

MMR is his only argument
just give ppl better awards at the end of act/episode
not just a little gunbuddy

ct_fd_str [#17]

lol imagine 5 Stacking with ur Iron friends and then get matched up with s0m,FNS,Shanks,Subroza and TenZ

how would that happen? do i need to explain MMR in this post? you realize ascendant 1s - radiants queue the same rank but not the same games at the beginning of the act right???

Penqu1N [#19]

how would that happen? do i need to explain MMR in this post? you realize ascendant 1s - radiants queue the same rank but not the same games at the beginning of the act right???

ok u got a point
but do u think that radiant really want to land in iron every few weeks

Penqu1N [#16]

Why's that?

First of all, you always reply to everyone that MMR is a thing. Then why even put the Radiant MMR players on Iron if they are just gonna get queued with other Radiant MMR players? What's the point of them going back to Iron?  

What if a radiant pro player stopped playing because of VCT and all of his radiant friends already reached Radiant? He can't duo with his friends anymore because he is a f Iron. You want him to grind from Iron to Radiant all by himself after the tournament ended? Like you said he will gain RR fast and even double/3ple rank up. Then what's the point? He will still go back to radiant and still play with Radiants even as an Iron because of MMR.

They can also abuse this. After being placed on Iron, they just need to intentionally play bad multiple times so that their MMR goes down until Iron level MMR. Then Valorant will think that this player is really an Iron. He can now make another youtube video titled "from Iron to Radiant" then destroy everyone else using only Knife or pistols, giving Iron players bad matchmaking experience.  

NekoSugarGirls17 [#21]

First of all, you always reply to everyone that MMR is a thing. Then why even put the Radiant MMR players on Iron if they are just gonna get queued with other Radiant MMR players? What's the point of them going back to Iron?  

What if a radiant pro player stopped playing because of VCT and all of his radiant friends already reached Radiant? He can't duo with his friends anymore because he is a f Iron. You want him to grind from Iron to Radiant all by himself after the tournament ended? Like you said he will gain RR fast and even double/3ple rank up. Then what's the point? He will still go back to radiant and still play with Radiants even as an Iron because of MMR.

They can also abuse this. After being placed on Iron, they just need to intentionally play bad multiple times so that their MMR goes down until Iron level MMR. Then Valorant will think that this player is really an Iron. He can now make another youtube video titled "from Iron to Radiant" then destroy everyone else using only Knife or pistols, giving Iron players bad matchmaking experience.  

If you have the time to play games so poorly that you go from playing in radiant games to iron, you need to get a life. 100+ games throwing for sure. Not only that, but this is a system that is in place for other games aswell, like fortnite and apex and many more. The idea is that theirs more grind to the game and that people will go back to or reach the rank they should truly be in.

The worst claim you have is MMR. Literally Asc 1 to Radiant plays as the same rank but different skill levels the first few weeks in the current system. Wouldn't be much different if it was in iron either. Not only that, but the "they'll get to radiant anyway" is legit a thing in the game as of right now when people are put back to asc1.

The idea isn't perfect and I know that, but it's a new concept that I think adds a nice twist to the game.

Also calling something the "dumbest post" and then instead of saying I've seen just saying I is a little Ironic don't you think?

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