Flag: United States
Registered: November 13, 2021
Last post: February 18, 2025 at 8:25 PM
Posts: 442
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I guess if you are talking about the first match, its not that bad. But Liquid is a way better team then people expect, and I think they will go far. I see them atleast taking 1 map off of EDG, and I really think they will win

posted 2 weeks ago

Expecting liquid to get less than 18.5 rounds tells me that you don't watch VCT.

posted 2 weeks ago

Yes, 3:00 AM chicken strips and mozzarella sticks are life changing.

posted 2 weeks ago

pulling numbers out of your ass doesnt mean anything. valorant had almost no cheaters before november dude

posted 2 weeks ago

Team Liquid RAHHHH. We didn't trade with them or anything but we got Lebunbun(naTs) and the Future Goat (Keiko)

posted 2 weeks ago

And what I am telling you is, the CS community disagrees, someone that has played both val and cs disagrees, and the fact that before the outbreak this year in Novemberish, val had almost 0 cheaters and if someone was cheating, they lasted on average 4-5 games, not even enough to play comp. I agree, game opinion is objective 100% but VANGUARD anticheat is better objectively and by the numbers

posted 2 weeks ago

And Valorant has????? Also on my soul I've seen 100+ videos of CS cheaters spinbotting, walling , etc in comp matches with streamers, who 100% don't play normal CS match making.

Before November of 2024 I would say, Id seen maybe 2 cheaters in my val history of thousands of games. While CS players reported on the FaceIt steam form and on HLTV seeing a cheater roughly every 20-30 games.

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah its still a simple meta though??? In terms of just ability to be on a team with little to no practice and be able to understand the map and play style you want to achieve, it 100% is the one of if not the simplest. Agents change sure, but that doesn't always mean the entire meta is changing. When I played Funhavers and All-Stars, the only 2 maps my team didn't practice were Haven and Ascent because they are simple regardless of agent comp. Tejo might be meta now on most maps, especially with breach, but the same ideas and strategies are still present, fight a with a stun, smoke off op long, omen cross with tp, cypher lurk mid with cam on boxes, etc. Haven is definitely a simple map in comparison

posted 2 weeks ago

Just to be clear, I've only watched VCT Americas and VCT EMEA. I've seen a couple clips from China and APAC, but not much, so I can't fairly judge.

That being said, as a somewhat biased, but also someone with little to no expectations heading into the season after the last two, why does everyone hate liquid???

I keep seeing people put Liquid in 7-8th for Bangkok rankings, which just doesn't sit right with me. I don't know if people watched the same Liquid team that I watched, but they looked DAMN good to me. Keiko is playing like a top 3 player ITW, naTs calling has been phenomenal, and every player seems to be doing their part. A somewhat rough start, especially on fracture before they changed the team comp and started rolling. But still, this team has looked strong ever since the GIANTX game.

The only thing I saw in the VIT - TL game, was a young roster getting over confident, cocky and celebrating too early. They will work on that and learn from their mistakes just like they did earlier in the bracket, and I expect them to atleast be top 4 in Bangkok just on what I've seen. I definitely think they can win, but I don't expect them too.

Please just tell me why you think they don't look as good as I do. And don't just say "they got lucky" teams can't get lucky 6 matches in a row while dominating the champs runner up.

posted 2 weeks ago

Breeze is only simple because the only thing to do on that map is fucking shoot. Whole map is wide fucking open. Haven is 3 sites, been in the game the whole time, has had a pretty consistent meta the entire time, and doesn't have and weird doors, ropes, teleporters, etc that Bind, Icebox, Ascent, and Breeze have

posted 2 weeks ago

Ascent and Haven are the simplest maps in the game???

posted 2 weeks ago

ahem "before this past year obviously"

also, no I am not bad at the game. But I do appreciate you glazing CS2, on VLR none the less...

there are dozens on community notes on steam talking about cheating especially in 23' and even a statement from FACEIT talking about how they fixed it. I'm not saying FACEIT has a terrible anti-cheat, but to say they have no cheaters is just not true

posted 2 weeks ago

Back when I used to play before val and even during val in 2020, Faceit def had more cheaters than Valorant. Also, you said you prefer CS2 over valorant, which makes me think you have something against val, as most cs players ik would tell you that CS2 sucks and no one really likes it

posted 2 weeks ago

It has been 8 months since Abyss released on June 11th 2024, and the current map pool is pissing me off. I feel like VAL needs a change.

A new, simple map kinda like haven or ascent is ideal to me. I feel like riot is trying to hard when they create maps to be different, and in return the map just sucks, ex: abyss

I think the next map pool we should see some changes that are different, I HATE the map, but seeing breeze again would be different and maybe Harbor would be picked for once

Heres what I think the new map pool should be:

New Map

LMK what u think

posted 2 weeks ago

ehhh maybe. The process was more tedious though in my opinion, and more cheaters in faceit fs

posted 2 weeks ago

Depends. I played CS before Val, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, I had way more fun playing Val solo queue than CS solo queue. Val had a lot better anti-cheat system in its prime, before this past year obviously. Having to play a 3rd party ranked system because the CS rank system was terrible, was not a highlight. I will say, CS tournaments have a lot more hype going into them then Valorant tournaments do. I wish the crowds were more active, and larger fs. CSGO is still one of my favorite games ever, and I play CS2 ever now and then, but something about 21'-23' Valorant was just so special that IDK if it can be beat. Val is 100% better than CS2 though.

posted 2 weeks ago

I would say the way naTs has been fragging and IGLing, he deserves a spot in the top 10, if not very very close to it.

posted 2 weeks ago

Mhmmm. Felt the same way watching him when he was back on Liquid. PRX scrimmed liquid at one point in 2021 or 2022 or smt, and in an interview said they were scared most of soulcas, because he was farming them in scrims. However, once main stage games happened, he didn't really show up and never played the same as he did in scrims

posted 2 weeks ago

if you sit and watch the games and how they play, Liquid is the best team ITW rn

posted 3 weeks ago

Keiko has been playing like a top 5 player maybe top 3 itw these last 4-5 matches. Where would you put him in the top 10 currently?

posted 3 weeks ago

Best team in EMEA?? Nah Best ITW

posted 3 weeks ago

Your name speaks for itself...

posted 3 weeks ago

In all 5 matches we won in a row that we were heavy underdogs we got lucky in all of them?

posted 3 weeks ago

Liquid was an underdog in every single game since APEKS, yet every time we win its because of luck. Liquid haters are so unreal

posted 3 weeks ago

Liquid fans are finally looking good after a rough patch. Liquid has the most loyal fans by far, not just in VALORANT but across esports, and all we have sat and done is watch our team get it belt to ass the last 2 years. There is NO reason to hate a team full of underdogs that is having a generational comeback right now, but everyone is doubting us still after all we have proven. We have earned some respect, but none is being shown

posted 3 weeks ago

someones angy.... sorry man. GGs!

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Why hate an org that has accomplished next to nothing in the game, with an extremely loyal fanbase that has to sit and watch us get dominated and clapped every year dude...

posted 3 weeks ago
  1. nats
  2. keiko
  3. kamo
  4. patitek
  5. kamyk
posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Genuine question. After watching these games why hate liquid? They have done nothing but grow exponentially and they have been the underdog in all but 2 of their games. Not only that, but they beat down Heretics worse than VIT did

posted 3 weeks ago

Dead serious watching all the games and seeing how teams played, Liquid has progressed the best this season in such little time. They will be a top 4-5 team at Bangkok for sure. Bit of a rough start, but even then, they didn't look "absolutely terrible" like everyone said. Keep doubting us

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

someones angy... sorry man. GGs

posted 3 weeks ago

Liquid haters just got silences. Liquid just 3-0ed Heretics and looked strong as fuck.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Who is kamo? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If kamo thinks, I agree. If kamo speaks, I am listening. If kamo has a million fans i am one of them . if kamo has ten fans i am one of them. if kamo has only one fan then that is me . if kamo has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth . if the world is against kamo, i am against the world.

posted 3 weeks ago

We changed the comp and won...
This is simple logic no????????
Liquid is a very good team

posted 3 weeks ago

"Man that liquid team just rolled Heretics on one of their best maps after not playing it at all, but the team comp was terrible so they suck ass."

posted 3 weeks ago

they weren't and im happy to show you why, just like I've been doing in the GG TH post.

posted 3 weeks ago

"we know koi is bad" professional team that can play like a professional team. Regardless if they won or not, they still can play well dude. I think you just can't accept the fact that liquid has looked good. I don't know what to tell you. I've shown you that your arguments don't make sense and you just can't accept it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah and every liquid fan was super hyped. We got to Tokyo and choked. Looked horrible.

posted 3 weeks ago

They were never ass dude. They had 1 bad map of fracture that they improved on like every other team, and 13-3 on Koi's map pick...

posted 3 weeks ago

Are you actually hearing yourself???? "the maps being close signifies the teams were equally making poor decisions" is LAUGHABLE. Could it be that the professional teams were competitive??? Could it be it was the first map of kick off and they didn't fully know what to expect, chemistry was building and both teams were playing well with a couple of mistakes, that happens every game???? nah man. They must both have been so horrible that it was close. You are so right

posted 3 weeks ago

The walls were bad and I already pointed that out but its the only thing you have going for you. "Full of bad plays" means you didn't watch the game. As there were a lot of crazy plays from both teams on the map. Map was definitely not bad bad, if it was 10-13

posted 3 weeks ago

"liquid vs koi was bad bad though" I proved you wrong because you made a poor point. Then you said "quality was hilarious, laughable" Thats hate dude

posted 3 weeks ago

dude 13-3 on THEIR map pick. if you watched the games rather than looking at the score, liquid always had control. PLUS TEAMS CAN GET BETTER AND IMPROVE. WHAT A CRAZY THOUGHT

posted 3 weeks ago

I talk about this every time I go on this site. No one has any idea what they are talking about. Liquid is a very very solid team. People just don't watch the matches.

posted 3 weeks ago

thats why we changed the comp and started destroying. teams can improve. quit hating on a team thats clearly solid for no reason when you don't know what you are talking about

posted 3 weeks ago
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