back again with the extremely long 100t analysis

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They are good but they are so wildly inconsistent even though they have so much experience at the highest level. I think the problem in their inconsistency is the lack of flexibility and mindset.

Asuna needs to learn more agents than just raze/gekko/kayo. He needs to learn a controller like harbor/omen or a sentinel like cypher. That would clear up so much of the other roles for the players like boostio. Also get Asuna back on Neon !!!!!! My movement king.

Cryo needs to learn more duelists than just Jett. Learn yoru, phoenix, reyna. Also if bro wants to keep playing controller, he needs to learn all the controllers not just brimstone.

eeiu i think was a bad pickup. If they got C0M instead of eeiu I feel like so many of their problems would have been fixed but you cant change the past. But eeiu needs fixing. It looks like confidence sometimes. With M80 and NRG he was always ready to take those 1v2 duels and win out but now he always seems so passive. It could just be the game plan but sometimes fuck the game plan. Play like you're the best initiator in the world. Thats why C0M is good, he may not be gifted mechanically but he is confident in his role and plays like he is even when bottom fragging.

bang can keep doing what he does. He has off games here and there but even his off games are impactful. But I still believe bang would be a killer sentinel player. That boy is a laser.

Boostio. Once his other teammates start becoming more flexible, boostio is going to shine. He also needs to try new things like he did with EG. The phoenix on Ascent with old EG, the lockdown Fracture with Champs EG. I think it helps that EG was a very experimental environment whereas 100t likes to remain old school and stick to fundamentals. But sometimes fundamentals fail and you need change and style.

I think another issue is mindset. They are playing complacent cuz they think they have a freebie to champs but if they lose all games which is very possible, they won’t. They have lost to a down bad MIBr before, and LOUD can turn up at the craziest times. And EG is EG. They can’t be comfortable in situations like this. They were playing like they were the best in the world a month ago but they have trouble believing they are the best in the world. Boostio can only do so much mental change, alot of the players on 100t need self confidence to bring them up.

The future looks bleak. And im talking roster rebuild bleak.

TLDR: 100t needs role changes(like i have said previously) so everyone can step out of comfortability. Also mindset diff.


nah it is what it is


nice declaration of independence


happy birthday


it’s not 4th of July yet bro 🤦🏼‍♂️


Honestly I think Cryo's Astra and Omen can kinda cook, plus they can put him on Chamber on some maps if they feel like it's worth the risk

Honestly I reckon they try and get Jawgemo next season. His Raze and Neon are easily the best in Americas and if he were to play a setup with Cryo where one plays smokes the other plays duelist like he did with Demon1 on EG then they could fucking feast. He'd probably be in over Asuna, with bang moving over to Sentinel like you said and Boostio playing flash initiators (he already plays Gekko and I think he played Breach back on EG)


why do we need to learn more agents?
we play pretty much the same comps as everyone else?
why should cryo learn yoru phx and reyna, no one plays those agents?

literally only problem is we havent changed or adapted at all, and lose all our confidence when we start to lose. need to continue to create new ideas and work on our mental.

we are just in a slump right now, no reason to drop anyone when we have already shown this roster can be world class


bang should always be controller, and eeiu should always be initiator. Those two have pretty much mastered their agent class, so switching them around would be a net negative. As for Boostio, Cryo and Asuna, though, I'm inclined to agree (albeit the thought of Boostio as primary duelist igl kinda scares me)


Saying we should’ve picked up com over Eeiu is wild man… Eeiu is 1000x better on recon and that’s a fact, com only has better lurks but everyone knows that’s all he can do


They all play like pussies lets be real. Bang is supposed to be one of the best NA, but his mental is weak or someshit.

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