I'm being honest, even though I have so much love for val.
Gotta say that Val community is the most fragile community to ever exist, especially women. The player base would easily feel offended just because someone being toxic, sexist or teabagging dead enemies.
I also feel so weird when Riot annouce the hardware bans to players JUST BECAUSE SOME TOXIC PLAYERS? I'm pretty sure you guys make this update just to defend and make more val spaces for soft and snowflake girl gamers, crying so hard because of a man being sexist, being toxic and then running to Twitter just to cry more, say men are so weird and call for helps from Val devs. Why? What does the mute button exist for?
If women feels that male players in Val are so disgusting, why wouldnt they spend 10 minutes in a CS ranked game with 9 Russians, it would be so much fun for them.
I don't get with the future moves of the game. You teabag, get banned. You shoot bodies, get banned. You are toxic, HAVE A FUCKING HARDWARE BAN??
Valorant needs to learn something from other FPS games, like CS. Just stop being too serious with toxicity and let the game act like a true FPS game, that's what they need to do, not creating spaces for snowflakes and sensitive players who cannot deal with slurs for a couple of minutes.
If you guys hate me for doing this thread, go ahead. I ain't give a fuck, this is what I knew.