After a lackluster Kickoff and Stage 1 in the Americas League, MIBR MIBR Brazil Rank #4 artzin Arthur Araujo xenom Eduardo Soeiro cortezia Gabriel Cortez nzr Agustin Ibarra aspas Erick Santos have announced the departure of coach Matheus "bzkA" Tarasconi.

Having initially caught attention by playing a big part in LOUD LOUD Brazil Rank #1 dgzin Douglas Silva v1nny Vínicius Gonçalves pANcada Bryan Luna tuyz Arthur Andrade cauanzin Cauan Pereira 's Champions 2022 win, bzkA would go on to sign with MIBR ahead of the 2023 VCT's commencement. The new roster debuted at São Paulo's LOCK//IN, but were immediately sent home by TALON TALON Asia-Pacific Rank #11 Killua Tanate Teerasawad thyy Anupong Preamsak Crws Thanamethk Mahatthananuyut JitBoyS Jittana Nokngam primmie Papaphat Sriprapha .

bzka trophy image bzkA at Champions 2022. (Photo: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)

From there, MIBR could only muster a ninth-place finish in the 2023 Americas League, one spot above the winless KRÜ Esports KRÜ Esports Latin America South Rank #2 keznit Angelo Mori Mazino Roberto Rivas adverso Benjamín Poblete Shyy Fabian Usnayo Melser Marco Eliot Machuca Amaro . The roster's most notable achievement was a win over 100 Thieves 100 Thieves North America Rank #6 zander Alexander Dituri Cryocells Matthew Panganiban eeiu Daniel Vucenovic Boostio Kelden Pupello Asuna Peter Mazuryk , an event that sparked a miraculous storyline for Evil Geniuses Evil Geniuses North America Rank #22 Derrek Derrek Ha NaturE Nicholas Garrison supamen Phat Le icy Jacob Lange yay Jaccob Whiteaker , the 2023 Champions winners.

Hoping to outclass last year's results, MIBR headed into 2024 eager to silence the haters. After eliminating FURIA FURIA Brazil Rank #6 heat Olavo Marcelo raafa Rafael Lima havoc Ilan Eloy Khalil Khalil Schmidt pryze Luis-Henrique Viveiros and Cloud9 Cloud9 North America Rank #7 Xeppaa Erick Bach v1c Victor Truong mitch Mitch Semago neT Michael Bernet OXY Francis Hoang in the group stage of Americas Kickoff, the Brazilians were denied a playoff spot when a three-way tiebreaker saw Sentinels Sentinels North America Rank #4 N4RRATE Marshall Massey bang Sean Bezerra Zellsis Jordan Montemurro zekken Zachary Patrone johnqt Mohamed Amine Ouarid advance, eventually making a run to Masters: Madrid and winning North America another international title.

With a chance at qualifying to Masters: Shanghai through Stage 1 of the Americas League, MIBR prepared for their matches against the Alpha group teams. Unfortunately, the roster failed to win a single map out of all five of their matches, ending Stage 1 with an 0-5 record and placing last in the season.

Now out of contention for China's first international event, the organization has begun making changes, with bzkA's departure leaving Daniel "fRoD" Montaner as the only remaining coach. Rumors surrounding Bryan "pANcada" Luna and Alexandre "xand" Zizi have circulated, as the organization may be in need of new talent.

MIBR MIBR Brazil Rank #4 artzin Arthur Araujo xenom Eduardo Soeiro cortezia Gabriel Cortez nzr Agustin Ibarra aspas Erick Santos is now:

  • João "jzz" Pedro
  • Matheus "mazin" Araújo
  • Arthur "artzin" Araujo
  • Matheus "RgLMeister" Rodigoli
  • Leandro "frz" Gomes
  • Daniel "fRoD" Montaner (Coach)
  • Iara "Iara" Rodrigo (Analyst)