best or worst
Flag: | Portugal |
Registered: | May 16, 2021 |
Last post: | March 19, 2025 at 4:22 AM |
Posts: | 269 |
they said they were training with the new player already and sacy is in BR
já não é loucura dizer que talvez a PEEK leve esse jogo
it's unlucky I agree, you seem like a nice person, have a good day
Exactly this, if something I would like Riot to be a bit more flexible because in the past when this happened they could've just delayed the game but in this particular instance it might be to late to do so imo
All the BR teams did the same process at the same time basically but the particular person dealing with their VISA didn't know shit about esports so even tho they had all the paperwork in order and ready to go they got fucked.
It's not really Riot's fault tho but it would be cool if they were a bit more flexible
would that be because they got unlucky with the fact that the random agent - that they have no power to pick whatsoever didn't know what esports were?
since the other teams did exactly the same thing at the same and had a different result?
they applied in november isn't that early enough?
because this particular agent know less about esports even thought they used the same professionals as the other teams to put the paperwork in order
also this did affect other BR and LATAM in the past multiple times
So now that my point was proven we will move the goalpost to...
the solution!
Brother even if you fix the VISA, the time it takes to travel, the jet lag and everything else puts teams that are not from the US at a disadvantage - and this is so flamming hot THAT LEO FARIA SAID IT ALREADY WHEN TALKING WITH TARIK
also don't be calling people retards when reading a basic text is that difficult to you
Also really need a source to get to the fact that you don't choose the agent, really - you don't see any problem if that was the case?
This is actually so funny
Ok I'll make it simple for you - let's replace the VISA problem with a 60kg load
I'm travelling with 2 other friends - what do you think would be best - if one person carried the entire 60kg or if each person carried 20kg?
The source is that I speak portuguese and Luk said that the same professionals were used in every BR and LATAM team across the board
ok I'll assume you actually have 54IQ and argue - what is the pain in this case?
what fucking nation brother I'm literally portuguese born and raised
also they don't get to choose the agent you brainrotted child
I'm saying that it would only be fair - if the location of the VCT changes - since it is the Americas region - so that the US teams are on leveled playing failed with the teams from other regions - so instead of SA getting fucked consistently everyone would get fucked the exact same - do you understand now darling?
brother either you're rage baiting or you're actually very very stupid
maybe both tho you never know
"I get it, RIOT can't rotate locations to LATAM" if you can't interpret basic text just say that
Yes, that's why he was arguing for more flexibility in the first - it's called the Americas region if you're gonna put anyone from outside the US in a tough spot at least be more flexible and help them out
I get that but it's Americas region, not the USA region - it would actually be more fair if instead of LATAM and BR teams always getting fucked that sometimes teams the US also got fucked too for a change - I get it, RIOT can't rotate locations to LATAM but the players already have to leave their families and sacrifice way more than any team from US - this takes up scrimming time, jet lag is envolved and the VISA process is extremely annoying.
At the very very least RIOT should be a little bit more flexible and help the teams that they clearly put at disadvantage.
2game actually seems to be a great org and got the players a bootcamp in germany otherside br would be fucked
A furia claramente funciona melhor com o Xand do que sem ele, espero que tragam alguém com voz dentro do time se não acabam igual ano passado, NZR fala ninguém ouve, 0-7 galinha sem cabeça
can't usually get a virus for clicking a link
I think Sato is a gamble in the same way that Aspas and Less where a gamble when Sacy and Saadhak put the team together.
While dgzin was good he was at time inconsistent in t1 franchise, I think if are most likely to get a bit of inconsistency go for the player the younger player
now they are, but at the start of franchise they had a good BR team and actually wanted to invest in valorant unlike mibr
imagine if instead of caring about past CS shit, riot looked at the actual reality of the game and gave NIP (that already invested a fuckload in BR valorant) a chance to create a team with good resources
Yes I understand the context but things have changed now - they saw that it didn't work and now are pretty much are eliminated from playoffs the time to try some changes is right now
I think the change to make in Loud is just put Tuyz on Neon, keep the comps they worked on (and are actually working pretty good aside from the lack of a fragging duelist and role changes).
I believe Tuyz could adjust to playing any characted the same he did and ended up being consistent on controller, he'll very much have a "Qck start" being kind of inconsistent and not very confident but he can grow to the role - on pure aim he's clearly one of the best in the world - at least to me when pANcada came to Loud this seemed like the correct anwser, only 1 player changes roles and we begin to create a fragging duelist that the fans already have some confidence in.
He's almost 40 and Portugal works pretty well even without him, it's not just because he's old Pepe is old as shit (43 I think) and still shows every single game that he's at the highest level, now Ronaldo is playing better for Portugal but he isn't the highlight of the team by any means.
bro doesn't want to risk getting kicked again, making sure they know he's good for it
I think he only said he tried to shoot a kayo flash thinking it was an Iso orb
valorant is highly based on micro adjustments and that's the part that will most likely become a bit incosistent long term even with a good accel curve - for valorant I'd say no but Viscose has a good video explaining everything
muscle memory is pretty much a myth in terms of aiming - aiming much more about mouse control
I think him and rich are pretty much closed on Mibr already - no formal anouncement or anything but from what's being leaked that's the case
but who would they pick?
Hero doesn't wanna let go of Dgzin, Palla is on Mibr, Sato is too young - Zanatsu is the only remained and it's pretty hard to take BR players to the USA
e o playhard dando like nos twit do pancada... suspeito
Se o Qck realmente sair da Loud (ele mudou o nome de Loud Qck pra Qck e a tag para nunca desista)
Não existem mais opções de duelista pelo menos que eu consiga imaginar - Dgzin não vai sair para tentar ganhar o spot nas franquias com a Hero, Sato é muito novo e o Palla vai para a Mibr. Então na minha opinião a última opção seria o Pancada e a conversa falhada com a Furia faria bem mais sentido se ele tivesse uma oferta tardia da Loud - na minha opinião existe uma chance real da nova Loud ser - Tuyz (duelista), Pancada, Saadhak, Less, Cauanzin - se fosse realidade o q achavam desse roaster?
If Qck really is out of Loud (he change his name on valorant from Loud Qck to Qck and his tag to NgU (never give up))
There's no duelists left that speak portuguese - Dgzin isn't leaving Hero Base, Sato is too young and Palla is going to Mibr so in my mind the only solid reason that Pancada would have to ignore the Furia is too look for something better so in my mind there's a real possibility that the final Loud roaster ends up being - Tuyz (duelist), Pancada, Saadhak, Less, Cauanzin - what do you think of this roaster?
Palla has been a solid and consistent player no team in Challengers managed to make him look weak - and he performed against every single team with jett, raze and pheonix - a very good pick up in my opinion
Richzin has some crazy games where he is unstopable and in the rest of them he's pretty average - He'll have to step up a bit to get to franchise level, but he can get there (if Mibr feels like it I mean)
Not really - it was just found out that he wasn't happy with the team and was pushing for some real changes in players but the org didn't allow it and the only reason fRoD ever got to Mibr was because Brzk had to do a lot of convincing.
From what's coming out right now seems like the org is just happy to exist in franchise investing as little as possible
In terms of Qck I don't think they will trade him - but if they do they'll go Dgzin or Zanatsu most likely - Sato can't go yet, Palla and Gobera need to show a bit more
I see a much easier explanation tbh - Saadhak returns to the Sentinel role and Raafa remains as flex.
Saad is a great flex, but in terms of pure numbers he used to be better at the sentinel role, Raafa coming in allows Saad to focus less on calling as Raafa would be a solid second caller and Saad could focus more on his individual performance and delegate a bit more.
I'm not arguing it would be the best thing for the team especially because I don't believe Less going out would ever make any team in the world better but I do believe that if Raafa comes that's how it would go.
yes, that's what's being said