4/4 ez pz
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | January 14, 2023 |
Last post: | February 21, 2025 at 9:09 AM |
Posts: | 222 |
This is the easiest pick'em ever (4/4). So predictable...
Imagine he goes zellsis mode 8/18 and gets reverse sweep
Just enjoy watching Americas while I doubt any Americas fan watch memea gameplay
LOUD looked extremely bad on this map, as if their plan was just to out-aim KRU, but they couldn’t pull it off.
This game was on him... he whiffed and threw so many important rounds
Brazil has an incredible pool of talent, players with great aim and potential.
Our problem are good IGLs, strats, and coach staff. I don't have hope on any BR org at this moment.
Muito zuado o que fizeram com o xand... ele não teve stats boas no stage 2 provavelmente pq se sacrificou muito pelo time, mas ele entregou vitórias e tem potencial pra jogar na franquia.
Não consigo botar fé em nenhum coach do Brasil, infelizmente acho que ano que vem tem tudo pra ser igual esse ano, mesmo com muito talento de jogadores.
Falta uma galera inteligente no valorant brasileiro, dono de org, staff, coach e jogadores. Vai ser muito difícil repetir a loud de 2022.
Of course, everyone knew they were the best players. The thing is, nobody knew they had the potential to win champs, so probably every organization wanted them, but only LOUD considered the amount of money they asked. That is why I'm saying it was a "bet."
The truth is that LOUD as an organization was never good. They were just very lucky to bet on Sacy and Saadhak. Both were the smartest players in the region and could develop Less and Aspas into world-class players.
They never had good coaches or management. Now that they don't have Sacy (mastermind) and Aspas (GOAT), they are completely lost. They don't have the firepower nor the tactics to win anything.
Saadhak is still a GOAT IGL, and Less is definitely a tier 1 sentinel in the world, but that is just not enough anymore.
This organization is about to turn into another FURIA or MIBR-caliber organization.
Boaster had it coming, he was trash talking master madrid tournament and teams, plus his behavior on stage with cringe dances and comments. You got man up when losing since you show those behaviors all the time.
At this moment just remove MIBR and FUR from franchise, these teams are winning shit.
Huge step up from tex, definitely contributed a lot to this win. If c0m can make the same, then we will have a really strong LEV, one that can play to win international events.
cUm is never playing good LOL
Man is a fking bot running with knife
Nzr died for this... cUm biggest champions winner fraud itw
That omen tp on 3x2 cost them the series. Damn this must be the dumbest play from playoffs.
Bzka never proved himself. He was carried by saadhak and sacy during his time on Loud. Saadhak already said that he was just a manager for them.
Then he had his chance with mibr, but never created nothing new, always tried to copy LOUD style to the team but never could make it work. He fought with Heat and kicked him from the team. Now heat is proving he can perform in the right environment.
Feel sad for him but you need results when you are competing in tier 1 and he didn't deliver any.
O less realmente ta com problema de ego. Precisa voltar a ser humilde.
O saadhak realmente ligou o fodac e ta deixando o barco afundar, mas pra mim ele ta certo, tem que expor o trabalho ridículo dessa coaching staff. Não sabe fazer um veto de mapa, montar uma comp, fazer um anti tatico.
Essa pansy é insuportável, fica mamando o time da fnatic todo jogo, chega a ser nojento. Totalmente enviesada pros times do emea nos camps internacionais, impossível gostar disso.
Childish behavior from him, the way they are playing I don't doubt less never winning anything again.
Esse bzk é uma piada.... o heat é foda e no fim toda essa novela foi bom pra ele, entrou no time da KRU e eles tão voando.
Bzk eterna viúva de sacy e saadhak, esse cara não conseguiu nem ganhar dos time tier 2 do Brasil com o MIBR, esse daí pode voltar pro VCB que na franquia ta passando vergonha.
These LOUD comps are pure garbage...
These comps of LOUD are pure garbage
Here is either a quick 2-0 for KRU or LOUD win 2-1 with less going nuclear and maps very close.
LOUD looks so uncoordinated and lost, sad moment for Brazil...
They did a counter offer and he rejected saying was "sick" but I'm sure he knew this project was already dead and joining would just make him look like a bad player
Pancada knew this team was a complete failure and avoided this embarrassing situation, so fking smart from him.
At this point FURIA should just release players and coaching staff. Then rebuild everything around NZR.
Sad for FURIA but this line up won't win any game.
NRG ascendant tatics? Game felt so easyyyyy
Que jogo bizarro... essa loud ta lembrando furia e mibr. Pra ganhar less tem que fazer 3k todo round.
Less is more!!!
Te falar que com esse jogo da c9 nem a loud ta passando confiança mais... comendo smoke sem nada, uns erros básicos e grotesco, triste de ver isso
My heart says LEV 2-1
My brain says NRG 2-1
Never... this guy was never franchise level, he is a bet from furia and mw.
Feels bad for him, this bleed team is a joke