Personally I have been critical of Monyet and his performances, but for the sake of sportmanship and just acknowledging the situation in general; Most teams change to fit their new player, this team had the new player change to fit the team.
I promise the amount of pros we all know, love, look up to, anything-are not capable of performing in a system that is made for other people. He has so much energy its so fun to watch him-its starting to feel like just beating a dead horse purely to make someone feel like shit. It'd be one thing if there were more arguments made saying he isnt statistically in the dumps but I dont see that.
Paper Rex ran raze all the time because jinggg is the goat. Their playstyle as a team developed around that potential. You can not fill those shoes.
I know I'm not changing human nature with this post; I just want people to think about how viciously the scene is going after a guy that nobody could TRULY replace. omg player do so bad must replace!!!! With who?