Flag: United States
Registered: January 17, 2021
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 1:24 AM
Posts: 467
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all good this is probably my last post on here anyway. Im going to EMT school i don't really have time. This game doesnt make me happy- it makes others happy-thats fine and Im happy for them.

posted 5 months ago

you literally brought up a different game how am I moving the goalposts??? also thats the opposite of what I said. also most games have lower level pay depending on tier. val is all or nothing

posted 5 months ago

I have more respect for a mosquito biting my ankle than riot

posted 5 months ago

My main issue is the teams that make these changes are the same ones that were making changes ages ago. and theyre probably gonna be the same ones making changes next year. and the main cores that dont fuck around are the ones that have actually shot up. Or made comebacks in the season.

posted 5 months ago

you mean the game they left open loopholes in tier2 for people to be bought specifically so they cant be brought into tier1? literally buying the competition so they cant play against u? yea they're really not fucking over anyone!!! im glad them making money makes you happy tho!!

posted 5 months ago

I feel like I just lost my last bit of hope for the game with these comments validating the reality of life that every player gets treated like an NFL kicker. You miss 3 kicks in a row and they're looking for someone else. This is not beneficial to the esport. The things that you are happy about are just-teams. The best teams in a game will always be tied to certain orgs. Franchising isnt responsible for you following storylines.

posted 5 months ago

I guess I'm just remembering last year when there was actually other things to report on

posted 5 months ago

There aren't many games that get chinese viewers bc of that whole political realm over there but I promise u without that its mid-level.

posted 5 months ago

Rocket league, smash even, every valve game, Crossfire made by Riot, Im pretty sure the majority of esport games dont have franchising.

posted 5 months ago

teams lasted longer actually yes. dramatically less free agency... ??? and again-20 posts in a row

posted 5 months ago

i think theres a difference between what production can be and what franchising is responsible for

posted 5 months ago

20 posts in a row is pretty wild my guy

posted 5 months ago

20 posts in a row on the front page are people being dropped/contracts not being renewed. You tried. It sucks. I'm not saying anything for myself I'm moving on to things that make me happier-but there's a lot of friends I have that want the dream and its just impossible. Rostermania will happen whenever big contracts end or big projects fail but its just EVERY TEAM. The worst part is this isn't the first tac fps coming from Riot-they have crossfire which is honestly fun(WILD but fun)-took nothing away from that. This game was made by ex-cs players-and they didn't seem to take anything away from how cs runs either.
Your innovation is fucking up people's lives. These are the people that let you sell shitloads of team bundles-and the ones that are trying to get ON those teams. You'd make more money exerting less control. Follow the dollar signs for all our sakes

posted 5 months ago

valorant sucks to put money into

posted 6 months ago

we averaging right? 168

posted 9 months ago

well it would be kayo but he just hard replaced phoenix/reyna and played the exact same so he wasnt really an initiator first until fade was already in the game

posted 9 months ago

fade is the initiator duelist that walked so gekko could run

posted 9 months ago

So by that logic Leo is just a shit player???

-Role wise yay does play best as a "choice" entry not forced entry-this is fair to say. What isn't fair to say is that your entry determines their own success. If your lurker sucks you'll get worse percentages a majority of the time, if your igl is being hard read-ditto, if they anti strat w/ setups-ditto, if your team is uncomfortable-ditto.

Nobody is saying he is acting 'good' in the clips but dude you have NO idea what goes on behind the scenes. Its just disrespectful.

Talk your shit but don't get self righteous, thanks.

posted 9 months ago

bc its from ppl that LITERALLY have no concept of a team environment and u get ur opinions from comm videos meant to hype the org and team up that is cherry picked BY the org

posted 9 months ago

yea, this loud doesnt exist. lmao

posted 10 months ago

with the amount of kinky shit the edating scene brings to light Im sure we're well versed as a community

posted 11 months ago

ty ty <3

posted 11 months ago

drop in the ocean by comparison (as far as experience) but I feel like theres alot of context people don't really apply unless you're a competitor. Just trying to explain that a bit.

posted 11 months ago

yea that takes direct knowledge of the team/environment/opinions which I don't have. Might feel good might not. might've already tried it. no idea. Monyet would have to learn alot of agents to not be the raze player and at that point they'd just drop him first (at least thats what Id assume).

posted 11 months ago

ok sorry, I didnt think about how that might look to 2nd lang speakers-Im saying, while playing jett for EG. Instead of putting him on Duelist-think fracture-they put him on brimstone because both Jaw is better at raze and Demon1 would have to also play extremely well in an entirely different playstyle.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

My argument is that whoever plays raze will pale in comparison not the team will look bad lmao. Also I don't even know what to respond to because there isn't even an argument here. ZOMG THE GUY WHO PLAYED WITH JINGG FOR YEARS AS DUELIST DUO SWAPPED TO RAZE AND LOOKED GOOD WOWWWW. like ???

I know what your opinion is you need to make an argument for it not just repeat it

posted 11 months ago

Demon1 also never played Raze... idk what the last bit is about. If you believe that Raze is harder than Jett then that's cool I guess.

yea ik that was the point. he played smokes before another entry duelist.

As far as the rest, the reason I brought up disease strains as an analogy: 1 strain can be extremely commonplace and not really dangerous to contract, while another strain of the same disease can be fatal 100% of the time.

The things that Paper Rex are missing have nothing to do with base Raze gameplay. The end.

posted 11 months ago

yea this is not the argument I expected to have in this post

posted 11 months ago

do you think that people are starting to overrate jinggg to put down monyet?


posted 11 months ago

you know how diseases have strains? apply that to playing raze. hell apply that to playing reyna in ranked vs tier 1. A generic pro thats comfortable on raze does not get the same shit done that Raid Boss Jinggg would and its not just how mechanically skilled Jinggg is- its playstyle and speed to decision making. Monyet gets alot of false positives but we need to acknowledge how EVERYONE accepts Paper Rex playstyle is unique and insanely volatile/fast paced.

Demon1 played brim before he played raze lets be real here. I have nothing against the dude and I feel like my point doesn't need me to defend it.

edit: also you understand jett entry is smoke-dash into smoke- right?? it is the only duelist that you can make space without dying bc u cant turn fast enough PLUS the design of jett comps is to set that play up with as much util/targeted util as possible. Raze gets a flash or stun and goes WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

posted 11 months ago

Demon1 plays 1 role and that is "shoot people that are all explicitly in front of me(no spinny spinny entry shit)" which is at the opposite end of the spectrum from Jinggg: the player with the most fluid movement and dynamic usage of raze in the world on top of insane situational awareness and aim.

Im not trying to talk shit about Demon1 but the complexities of the 2 roles we're talking about here are not even close.

posted 11 months ago

I agree with the sentiment more than the broken down example used. demon1 was know for exactly what eg wanted him to do within the region or scene at least.

posted 11 months ago

he seems like a great dude, insane vibes at least visually through the turmoils hes been going through. Im 25 and I have to give huge props to this guy's mentality at 18. he looked, BETTER but that consistency Jingg brought is a ways away.

posted 11 months ago

yea it looks really good but forsaken has become such an insane flexible player itd be funky working monyet into such varied agent picks. lots of reasons for and against that I can think of.

posted 11 months ago

Personally I have been critical of Monyet and his performances, but for the sake of sportmanship and just acknowledging the situation in general; Most teams change to fit their new player, this team had the new player change to fit the team.
I promise the amount of pros we all know, love, look up to, anything-are not capable of performing in a system that is made for other people. He has so much energy its so fun to watch him-its starting to feel like just beating a dead horse purely to make someone feel like shit. It'd be one thing if there were more arguments made saying he isnt statistically in the dumps but I dont see that.

Paper Rex ran raze all the time because jinggg is the goat. Their playstyle as a team developed around that potential. You can not fill those shoes.

I know I'm not changing human nature with this post; I just want people to think about how viciously the scene is going after a guy that nobody could TRULY replace. omg player do so bad must replace!!!! With who?

posted 11 months ago

yep thats going in my retirement tweet

posted 11 months ago

195cm 95kg
6'5 210

posted 11 months ago

dude leaf takes 18 swipes and a mortgage to do a 180 its fine to put him on senti. icy is a good listener duelist relax.

posted 11 months ago

delete this

posted 11 months ago

You think he'd stay there if that position is offered? I have no idea but you act like theres permanence in the move to EU

posted 11 months ago

u got it bro

posted 11 months ago

bc this post has no point. if we're saying the org didnt actually do a shitty powermove the title "lev lied" is just brain damaged bc its implying theyre bad when they're theoretically the good guys. and if we're talking shit about any of the players that half the post is about (what my post is memeing) then its also brain damaged. matching energy

posted 11 months ago

wdym a player didnt just nuke bridges bc an esports org did something naughty? must be an inside job! thank you for bringing this to our attention I say we storm brazil

posted 11 months ago

america has always helped their french allies succeed vs the british

posted 11 months ago

thanks man! feels good to have your support after a short disagreement! im glad we could put our differences aside :)

posted about a year ago

u can bm all u want Im proud of the skills I've gained from the time I've spent, not proud of how long it took to realize the importance of team environments>skill + brain. and at the end of the day ur still more broke than me

posted about a year ago

yea thats what im cookin i gotchu

posted about a year ago
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