Like whats with the hate lol. Ik popular ppl will get a lot of hate but asuna is getting like 10x that
Like his stats in his career, especially when 100t won something r good
The problem is he is 100% inconsistent. Sometimes he looks like a great T1 player and others he looks like one of the worst in T1. When you mix the inconsistency with the fact he has pretty bad comms, not bc he doesn't care but bc he cares tooo much and it actively clogs communication for the team. Plus he has had a guaranteed spot on the roster for like 4 years whereas any other player would have been dropped for their inconsistency
Because the last time he didn't go negative at an official match (not counting offseason) was on May 13th of 2023. He ended the series 43-43 with a 100T 2-1 win against FURIA. To make it worse, that one decent game he had against FURIA wasn't even as a duelist. It was as an initiator for all 3 maps.
He has not had positive KD since that match. And I know kills aren't everything in pro matches, but when your duelist finishes most of his games with negative KD then it becomes a problem.
1-9 in the last 10 matches... how come we aren't asking for Zikz and MikeHD to step down? Why are we focusing on a player who is only doing what the coaches tell him to do?
Zikz was an assistant coach on a team that won champions. Do we just ignore the fact that they did absolutely abysmal until Demon1 showed up? That they only got a chance at the run because specific teams lost? How is that successful coaching?
I honestly feel the management at 100Thieves do not care at all. If you were in management and actually cared, you would look at that situation and understand the 1 in a 1,000,000 shot they took advantage of but you're not looking at the legwork before? Are you really that oblivious? You are legitimately picking at random in hopes of rng'ing a championship team.
Yes but the coaching staff should look at his tracker every once in a while... because it's very obvious he doesn't understand Raze. This happened earlier in Asuna's career when OP'ing on duelists was popular. Asuna consistently did bad with the OP because he was a rifle duelist. The coaching staff at that time didn't see that either.
Of the 375 hours of play on his "main" account, you can literally see an issue just by looking at the page. His hs% is waaaay below the average across other agents. It's 19% vs mid 20% on all other agents. Why is this?
Asuna is a person who shoots first and then corrects. You are asking him to go waaay outside his comfort zone with Raze and double satchel anywhere and his timing is going to be messed up.
And where I'll give this thread credit is that he doesn't seem to be putting in massive amounts of work on Raze. He's just picking whatever he wants. How do you get reps on an agent if you're not grinding him? Why aren't the coaching staff forcing him to grind agents he's most likely going to play? To hide strats? At 1-9? No one is looking at 100T to counter-strat... it's just very clearly the coaching staff and very clearly management who doesn't want to do what is necessary.
its ranked buddy it dont matter, the only agents asuna has looked good on are raze, neon and kayo. Two of which arent currently popular, his raze performances have been lackluster but his performances on other agents have been even worse, a trend from last year is he doesnt seem to throw very good util on support agents and he tends to not frag out either
And you think the coaches are gonna control his ranked gameplay? Im sure they are doing the most they can without making the team environment toxic, we already saw how weak this teams mental is
Ranked does matter. Ranked is the closest thing you have outside of practice where people take the game somewhat serious. How else would a person get good at an agent? There's not enough scrim time in the world to get above-average on any agent.
Also you can't hold a support player to the same lens as a duelist. They're often not put in the same positions and don't have the same aggressive utility to back it up.
In regards to his control ranked play, he's a professional player. The coach is his boss. It's not a matter of control but a matter of training to get the job done. If you didn't control his ranked play as you put it, how would he improve? I'm not sure if you're in the corporate world or not but they have something called a "PIP" or Performance Improvement Plan. You usually get this right before your fired. Within that PIP you are given specifics about how to improve. It's a really great tool because when you let someone go you point at the specifics in the plan that they didn't achieve.
They should sit down with Asuna and do something similar. Except they can't... why? It's two assistant coaches, neither with playing experience, trying to organize a championship team... Maybe you're right though... maybe they can just rng a championship team through finding other players. It worked during Zikz coaching dominance era when they found demon1.