So, you know how when the Nzr kick happened there was some talk from the players on the org about how it was The Orgs fault? That "no actually the pros didn't do this, it was management!" And the CEO Fer went public to take the blame?
Apparently that was a lie.
In a recent video from the LOUD Valorant YouTube Channel showed the players from Loud, Aspas, Lev Manager and the CEO Fer, all having a laugh and playing table soccer
( I think it's fouseyball in English? )
That creates some questions.. if it was all the management guys fault... Why was Aspas and the loud guys buddy buddy with them? Saadhak and Aspas both are known to be good friends with Nzr, why hangout with the guys that sacked him?
Then comes another thing, Saadhaks Body Shooting Warning from Riot during the Lev X Loud match.
He got a Warning from just that, shooting a dead body.
Here's the thing, if you go to the recent Loud video that shows their comms during the match, at the exact time Saadhak and Qck are shooting Kingg and Mazinos bodies, Saadhak says "For NZR".
Here is proof.
So, Saadhak, a friend of Nzr and an ex teammate of his, shoots the players bodies, specifically players that weren't new hires for the season, his team is friendly with the management of Lev, and Aspas, the guys who suffered the most in the team, since Nzr was HIS friend too, one of the reasons Aspas joined was Nzr, Aspas himself said that, Aspas is friendly with the management of Lev too.
The picture becomes clear. Fer took the blame to try and save the minimum amount of chance the team would work, Kingg and Mazinos, were responsible for cutting off Nzr, but if that's the public reason, the team gets backlash and mood gets fucked. Fer takes the blame, and does what the "players" wanted and gets Com since it's clear the team won't work out after this fucked up situation Kingg and Mazino created.
The question becomes, what the fuck was their problem with Nzr, and who wanted him gone? Mazino, or Kingg? My guess is Kingg since Nzr is a known IGL and probably was having leadership clashes with him.
What y'all think?
TLDR: Kingg and Mazino are Snakes, Lev management are hostages