stage 1 yeah
Flag: | Saudi Arabia |
Registered: | June 2, 2023 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 1:05 AM |
Posts: | 568 |
nah, i dont use anything tbh. just have ghub installed on this pc, thats about it
So I just played a game, and before it was about to end I had the cheater detected screen. Turned out it was me for whatever reason, but in the client it said suspended for using third party software but for just a minute? After the minute was over, I could just queue again. I'm wondering, has this happened to anyone else?
so is zeek, doesn't make him a better initiator than the ones mentioned above
you want him to say "dapr wasn't what we needed or he was this and that" ? obvs hes praising him, what else is he gonna do? he's the best option they could've gotten at that time
buddy compared ratings and thought he did smth
"since the start of franchising" brother cannot read
"he ain't getting in tier 1" as if chet himself didn't say they would've most likely went w him if eg didn't collapse
yeah the guy whos never been known for his defense, never made an all defensive team is a better defender than the guy whos a peri lock, and a 12 time all defense
i really want the crack you're smoking
brother the fact that you just said magic was better defensively than kobe shows you have zero ball knowledge, please stop embarrassing yourself
larry bird would literally be a poor man's kd in this era ðŸ˜
crazy that they rate someone who's been playing against part time players lmaooo
If we argue bill is better than kobe based off rings, surely hes better than bron/mj too?
Magic doesn't have more championships, finals appearances equals more losses, and w Bron that is the biggest argument everyone brings why he's not the goat, so why is that criteria for magic than against him? kobe has more nba first teams, so your argument is false, just again. Neither is he in goat debate without the HIV situation.
not even going to argue w bird, bc if you think he was better than kobe, you're just delulu
If you think stats or footage play a big factor, then no way you think larry or bill were better than kobe. bill couldn't do shit offensively, and kobe has done everything better than larry. only thing larry has the upper hand on kobe are the mvp's. same w magic, only thing magic done better than kobe was playmaking. so explain, how are these 3 better than kobe?
guild had a history w picking up bad igls so they kinda ruined themselves icl
couldn't care less abt barca's valorant team tbh
not impressive when u play against poopy rex and f0t, ghosted against real comp aka g2
i'd argue offensively, yeah, other than that its a hell nah
you're just going along with the narratives. you've never seen wilt or bill play, and i doubt you've even watched full games of kareem, bird, etc., except for that documentary
ion know abt that one
nvm, i read it wrong
youre just mad bc he replaced the worst igl aka bonkar buddy
u might aswell take the english lessons from fns too
yeah trace got 7 rounds in a bo3 against a washed edg but it was an "ez pred" fasho
lets all take a minute of appreciation that you're not in charge of a roster
that mf doesnt even know you and you are here defending him a whole day later again lmaooo touch grass for once in ur life i beg
the fact that your first instinct after the game was to go back on a thread from a day ago really shows how braindead u are
he can compete in vct, turned 18 in april
edit: nvm, thought u were talking abt verno
didn't watch the sinatra trial, but he said they were pretty close to choosing sinatra if it wasn't for demon1 and ethan like 5mins ago
what are you even talking abt, he was supposed to join nrg before eg collapsed and they picked up ethan and demon1
can't even compare the stats, verno plays ini and wo0t plays first entry in ranked
if u scroll up, i talked before the game too. youre welcome
the fact that you said bang hard diffs boo in terms of roles but benjy doesn't hard diff boostio is everything I needed to see
y'all have been saying this every event