He is a prodigy, not his fault that boosted couldn't read an tier 2 igl
Same age but w more hype and more support than any of them yet he has had the most failures.
Stew from JDG is only a day older but my god he looks wayyy better with wayyyyyyyyyy less supportive teammates and worse teammates.
Thats the difference. Zekken has been at the top lvl for 3 yrs and hasn't progressed at all. While other mfs have been skyrocketing in their mechanics and gamesense
Why is Demon1 a prodigy? it's not a matter of skill level it just comes down to age. If someone is 24 and they're better than someone who is 16 the 24 yr old wouldn't be a prodigy but the 16 yr old would still be considered one. it's not a matter of skill level. Demon1 isn't a prodigy but he's still better than Zekken.
Yay is getting a lot of hate because he isn't winning and everyone's calling him a washed player and he was playing viper and skye I haven't seen yay play those in his stream and he's still getting hate and on the other hand asuna has been playing race since 2020 and he's still getting support, wow!!
It just shoes how biased you all are!!