So,i watched the sen podcast and here's the reason why pancada might not be on the team. Kaplan said that when dephh was on sen,he was an igl that needed to be w the pack,so they needed to put pancada on senti.So, now that johnqt is an igl and he is also a lurker,the team basically has to be able to handle themselves when johnqt is lurking because its hard to lurk and igl when u can't get constant info on other parts of the map.So,this is why zellsis is on the roster.Kap said zellsis brings that midrounding on the team and since he is more w the pack ,he can call for the team during midround.Now you might ask why bench pancada then?why not bench tenz and have pancada play?They also talked about how they liked the ideas tenz brings and how creative he is w the agents.So,they basically want all vocal players which pancada isn't. Of course they didn't say pancada specifically,but they did say some players were not as vocal for the overall team.The more voice they got during the round the more info the better decision they can make during the ronud.Pancada obv isn't that and he wasn't that on loud either cause loud got saadhak,sacy and less doing it.