Flag: Japan
Registered: August 17, 2022
Last post: December 23, 2024 at 9:45 AM
Posts: 176
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Loud 2022 would straight up win Lock-in, and possibly win Champions again.
Loud 2023 was a worse version in pretty much every possible aspect and lost both of these by very slight margins.

Loud 2022 aint choking the same way with Sacy holding the leashes.

Also if pANcada kept his 2022 Champs performance throughout 2023, he's easily the best controller itw that year and the biggest upgrade possible for that team compared to 2023 Tuyz.

posted 3 months ago

Bro never saw prime Sacy playing for Loud

posted 6 months ago

If Less was allowed to play sentinel, maybe he would've stood a chance.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Astra meta.
F*** that shit.

posted 7 months ago

Top 3 in over half of all LANs he attended. Quite the regional merchant indeed.

posted 7 months ago

Quem é o IGL ? Sacy ?

E mesmo assim, um dois dois vai ter que mudar de função.

posted 7 months ago

Saadhak is argentinian

posted 7 months ago

Casar com mulher que tem filho agora é crime ?? Já sabia que tu era meio dodói mais essa foi de fuder, viu.

posted 7 months ago

Then sen gets into role issues again. If TenZ plays Jett, then who plays controller ? And what role is Zekken going into ? Because I still have PTSD from Zekken's Omen and Breach from last year.

posted 8 months ago

SEN vs 100T isnt a rivalry, it's a one-sided bullying

posted 8 months ago

12 - 3

posted 8 months ago

single elim playoffs.


posted 8 months ago

Aspas faz mais first kill num mapa q o mw na season inteira

posted 8 months ago

They lost the best duelist itw and did anything BUT sign another duelist lol

posted 8 months ago

Se trocam hj o QCK pelo Aspas n ia mudar mt coisa n

Os erros que a Loud desse ano comete a do ano passado tmb cometia. A diferença é que ano passado tinha o Aspas matando 30 por mapa.
Saiu o melhor duelista que já encostou no jogo até hoje pra entrar o qck e a Neon perneta do Saadhak.

Tem mentalidade torta e staff cagada ? Tem.
Mas metade dos problemas da Loud atualmente é por n terem mais um duelista de ofício e que acerta tiro.

posted 8 months ago

Porra de dinheiro mané
Dolar ta 5,70 nessa porra. Não existe org BR dar pix diff em org gringa.

posted 8 months ago
  • Brazillian Tier 2 scene is on scraps and cant properly develop because the best teams and players get pulled to Los Angeles. The ones who remain can no longer pratice with the best of their region. At the same time, NA teams can practice with their own best teams PLUS the best teams from South America, which furthers widens the gap.

  • Severe lack of IGLs. There is not a single IGL in Brazil that comes even remotely close to Saadhak.

  • Brazillian orgs cant compete to keep their players due to a weak currency. Everytime Brazillian players stand out, they get a bag from a foreign org. Example: Sacy, Pancada and Aspas

  • VISA problems constantly getting in the way of practice. Every single time a Brazillian player enters or leaves USA, be it for offseason, going to internationals or any other reason, they have to renew their visas.

  • Also another one I don't see people talking about : Lack of good coaching staff. The absolute best coach to have ever been in a BR team is Frod, who isnt even brazillian.

Basically, franchise system activelly fucks SA teams, and this issues only tends to get worse over time.

posted 8 months ago

I don't need to.

International Tournaments being Swiss stage + Double Elim playoffs are already a good format.

posted 8 months ago

It's 2024 and there's still people suggesting single elim. 🙄🙄🙄

posted 8 months ago

Nenhuma org em sã consciencia vai puxar o Pancc pro tier 1 com o "histórico" que ele tem. É muita dor de cabeça pra todos os lados.

Esse cara só joga franquia se ganhar o Ascencion e olhe la

posted 8 months ago

Peak yay barely played duelist at all.

posted 9 months ago


Aspas has always been in the discussion for best player itw ever since his rookie year in 2022. He might not always be the absolute #1 on every given moment of his career, but he is ALWAYS up there (like, at least top 5 easily) and never really fell off in performance.

Players like TenZ and yay went from 100 to 10 over the years with roster and meta changes, while Aspas always kept an 80-90 without ever dropping so far.
Just look at his match history. Lightning strikes in a sunny day more often than Aspas has a bad individual performance in a series.

posted 9 months ago

Even if Pancc were Aspas-level of good no sane org in Tier-1 would want to deal with the headache of dealing with his record.

This guy aint gonna get to tier-1 unless he straight up wins ascention, and even then he might get kicked

posted 10 months ago

this brings me to what i think is the biggest problem with Brazil rn: bad roster management. instead of letting talent come and go, we're mostly just watching the same ~15 players get shuffled around among the orgs; chemistry is super low or even nonexistent (looking at you, FURIA), and even the coaching feels like it's not being done to fit the team, if at all.

You've hit the bullseye with that one. Brazillian orgs are constantly recycling the same players over and over again instead of searching for new talent.
Brazillian Valorant lack both the balls to actually go for new talent and also leadership to shape those new talents into world-class players.

Loud 2022 was the great team that it was because it solved both of these issues. Aspas and Less were basically pulled from ranked and then shaped by Sacy and Saadhak. Both are now among the best players Valorant has ever seen.

Sadly, not only no teams seem willing to pick new talent, but there is still no one else even remotely close to Sacy and Saadhak in being able to properly shape them. Most recent example of this being Havoc. I actually feel for the poor kid. Anyone who watched BR T2 last year knows how good that kid is, but how tf is he supposed to perform in a system like Furia's, where the biggest example of leadership this guy has is Mwzera, the guy who is basically the embodiment of "recycled" (has been playing in Tier 1 literally since the game's launch, never achieved anything relevant for BR scene and has a history of drama and inflated ego in almost every roster he's been to. Dude's peak is literally the infamous "-7 rounds" game against Acend lol).

I swear, if Loud had picked Havoc and he had Saadhak as his captain/leader we could be living in a completely different timeline.

Point is: Brazil DESPERATELY needs to do some heavy headhunting work in search for new talent and also work on its teams systems in a way to have proper leaders to harness said talent to its fullest.

posted 10 months ago

Saadhak's Raze makes Demon1's look like Jinggg's. 💀

posted 10 months ago

How ???

He's not going to China lol

posted 10 months ago

Sempre tem q ter um animal usando o argumento do "O b0m É tU" pqp.
Irmão, o cara é literalmente profissional com salário, estrutura e rotina de treino, se toca.

Tu critica um engenheiro q erra na obra , mais n pode criticar pro player kkkkk

posted 10 months ago

IGL-diffed ? Bro is getting diffed in every aspect of this game rn lol

posted 10 months ago

Funny how Loud's the team with a Tacollila now

posted 10 months ago

Dude went to the Kitchen and set the entire house on fire..

Don't ever cook again.

posted 10 months ago

But if it's a NEW Optic with S0m instead of yay, we got a fucking BANGER MATCH

Who's playing Jett on this roster ? Victor ?

posted 10 months ago

Most of Loud 2022's tactics and strats were made by Sacy and Saadhak, with him working most as a team manager more than anything (info said by themselves at the time) and you can just look at his work on MIBR for further reference.

If anything Frod made more for Loud 2022's performance by helping them with pistol rounds than Bzka did for the team's performance.

posted 10 months ago

Bro put Bzka in there and thought we wouldn't notice

posted 10 months ago

Any team that has Pancc on it can rot in T2

posted 10 months ago

What can possibly be going on inside the head of someone who vouches for single elim instead of double elim .......

Having a lower bracket is better for both viewership and competitive integrity.

posted 10 months ago

People complain (with reason tbh) about the current map pool, but the maps that are out of rotation honestly are just as bad.

As much of its fun to watch in pro play Fracture is TERRIBLE to play in soloqueue, when you cant consistently rely on having teammates to take control of one of the extremities with.

Unless Riot turns B-site upside down, Pearl will still continue to be a smoke spam party. While I think this can change in pro-play with the Viper nerfs, it will probably still persist for ranked.

Haven is the only good map among the ones out of rotation.

Also, if we go by the logic of old maps getting out of the pool, Ascent should be next out, but as boring as it is to watch in pro play, Ascent is still widely considered one of the best if not the best map in the game. Ascent is literally Valorant's Mirage.
Riot would need some MASSIVE balls to remove ascent from the pool, considering the potential backlash.

posted 10 months ago

n é porque ele n teve resultados bons internacionalmente, q ele n seja bom,

"Ele não teve bons resultados, mas n quer dizer que n seja bom"


posted 10 months ago

é porque ele n teve resultados bons internacionalmente, q ele n seja bom, n faz nem sentido oq vc está falando

"Ele não teve bons resultados, mas n quer dizer que ele não é bom"


posted 10 months ago

Irmão, tu literalmente tá defendendo um maluco que n ganhou nada em 4 anos no tier 1 kkkkkk

Edit: Não só n ganhou como n chegou nem perto de ganhar, maluco em 4 anos n chegou sequer num playoff internacional

posted 10 months ago

Sacy e Saadhak tmb passaram por aquela VKS podre com frz e gtn e depois foram pro topo do mundo.

Pq o mw n fez a msm coisa se ele tmb era isso td ?

posted 10 months ago

até entrar em um time bom

Poxa vida, mw passou por Gamelanders, duas lines da VK, duas lines da Fúria e em TODAS as vezes o time dele era ruim né ?? Coitado dele.

posted 10 months ago

se der um chute no saco do mw, vem um dente desse dai junto.

posted 10 months ago

e tem poucos no br q tem a mira dele ou melhor

Mano, o QUE MAIS TEM no Brasil é mira jovem. Se mira é o diferencial do cara certeza que se procurar direitinho acha um melhor. SEMPRE tem e SEMPRE vai ter.
O próprio Aspas, que é o melhor duelista do mundo, nem é o #1 jogador mais mirudo, o diferencial do cara é movimentação e uma noção absurda de timings de quando agressivar e quando valorizar.

ele desempenhava bem como iniciador na vk e na antiga furia

O peak do mw de iniciador foi o -7 rounds contra a Acend em 2021 kkkkk

posted 10 months ago

E a galera ainda chama de "herói" kkkkkk.
Nunca vi player mais overrated na história do Valorant, papo reto.

posted 10 months ago

Mano, o cara tá no tier 1 desde 2020 e passou por umas 4-5 lineups diferentes. Como q ainda não teve tempo de encontrar a função ideal pra ele ??

Mw já chegou no máximo dele. É um player bom, mas é isso. Não tem nível pra bater com os melhores do mundo. Simples assim.

posted 10 months ago

Irmão, mwzera já consegue falir qualquer empresa c o tanto de hora extra que tá fazendo.
Tá desde o lançamento do jogo no cenário e nunca fez nada de relevante.

Já passou da hora dos times BR fazerem uma renovação. Ir atrás de sangue novo to tier 2, rankeds, sei lá. Essa galera que tá ai já deu o que tinha q dar.

posted 10 months ago
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