I didnt read the whole thing but i assume that your point is that the reason why men are better than women is because of social differences, not physical?
I don't think you should get a separate league just because you are socially disadvantaged. I feel like affirmative action is very similar to this GC situation in valorant. What affirmative did was create competition among similar social classes, divided from the society. For example, if college A chooses 100 students, affirmative action made it so that 25 Asian, 25 white, 25 Hispanic and 25 black students had to be picked. Yes, there still is competition, but it narrows down into competition inside a race. Without affirmative action, it would likely have been that more Asians and whites could’ve been admitted. (please don’t take this as racism, it’s just how affirmative action affected college admissions). In Valorant, the highest league is clearly the franchised league, and it is open to all genders. GC is the highest league (not necessarily in skill, but in investment and support from riot) and only non-male players are allowed to compete, just because they are socially disadvantaged. This creates competition amongst the non-male players, and rarely tries to compete with the higher players. I think the existence of GC could have accounted for the fact that Mel was denied a trial in a franchised team earlier (idk exactly when); there was no need to incorporate this unproven player who only has performed in lower skilled tournaments, especially when she had a solid league she could go back to.
I also think the existence of GC is creating more division between male and non-males in valorant. You said one of the social causes of skill differences is because of the lack of role models. If no non-male player succeeds in franchised league, but only dominates GC (I'll have florescent as an example here), new incoming non-male players’ role models would lie in GC league only, not the higher level franchised league. The cycle would then continue until the difference in franchised and GC becomes larger and becomes impossible to close out the social differences.
You also referred to this situation of male vs non male to west vs east in lol. Though it is true that LCK and LPL have been destroying LEC and LCS for a few years. The social and skill differences are not as big as it is in valorant. Even at this year’s worlds we had G2 beat and lck and lpl team (though 4th seed), and GAM (Vietnamese team, even less social base than na and emea) beat liquid. Sure, G2 was emea’s first seed while they beat the 4th seeds, I don’t think that best GC team has the capability to beat the 4th team in any franchised league. Plus, in G2 was one of the closest teams to the golden road (winning all tournaments in one year). The fact that riot kept mixing western and eastern teams and not creating a separate league has definitely increased fandoms of western teams and skill levels. GC players would never be able to overcome this social gap as long as GC continues to exist.
tldr cus I know no one would read all this and I’m pretty sure I made some repetitive comments
- The whole GC thing is similar to affirmative action which was deemed unconstitutional
- GC only fosters social division amongst men and non-men in valorant esports
- one of your examples about lol league actually enforces my point that mixing these two leagues with social differences actually closed the gap a little
Open to discussions