Flag: International
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: June 11, 2024 at 7:58 AM
Posts: 16

that old EG beat peak Optic once no?

posted 11 months ago

well thats a fair point ngl. but i still feel some of the players have way too much of a skill gap , watching gc does feel like watching ranked smurfs play. But im not sure of the solution for that, maybe the skill gap decreases in the future idk

posted about a year ago

It kind of does tho? Winning duels is a big part of valorant, imagine a 120hz player forced to play against 360hz player on the highest level, how would that be fair? There needs to be an even playing field no?

posted about a year ago

I think the main reason why people are angry is because the "worse men" dont nearly get as many opportunities to compete at a high level(with coaching staff,crowds etc.) as a GC player with the same skill, making them feel this is a bit unfair. Although this might be more Riots fault than anything else.

posted about a year ago

You're equalising all trans people by saying that, some might be good some might be bad, but thats beside the point. The point is that if there is indeed a physiological difference,even if it is small, we should focus on creating an even playing ground for all players involved. Besides, i feel there is a lot more research to be done, once theres a new study with a large enough sample size that proves that theres no difference whatsover between the assigned genders at birth then ill believe it

posted about a year ago

there are a lot of variables sure, but shooting heads is a HUGE part of valorant. And there are a LOT of young people in esports broadly speaking, the average retirement age of an esports player is around 30.

posted about a year ago

"the difference is so small that it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things" but there is a difference,isnt there?. In high level pro play the tiniest milliseconds matter, thats why you see pros investing so much to get the best gear possible, to get that tiny advantage, cuz it does matter when you go against the best of the best.

posted about a year ago

Riot really doesn't want yay to have a career first chamber and now jett💀

posted about a year ago

I think valorant has achieved significant popularity/cultural relevance in countries where CS never took off properly, like Japan, India etc., so I really don't think it's going to decrease in popularity anytime soon

posted about a year ago

Astra meta was def more boring, chamber ult made ecos a bit exciting

posted about 2 years ago

W tech pause duo

posted about 2 years ago

New meta with neon will be prefiring at head level

posted about 2 years ago