first tenz, then yay, then aspas, and now demon1. Has this fraud ever been the worlds best duelist at any point in valo history? kkkkkk
I wasnt saying hes a top8 player I'm saying hes consistently at the top. T0nz Yay lolpiss and nerd1 all fluked and are playing like shit. Aspas 1.03 rated at champs as star (an event that they won XDDDDDDDD), tonz and yay not playing good at all this year and nerd1 abusing jawgemo luck factor and the fact that EG never had to play fnc at champs to snag a trophy. All fluke duelists. Derke? Always at the top of stats. Never has an off tourney even tho he plays with BOASTER for 2 years now
consistency= derke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other duelist mains