its bizarre how many frauds got in NA franchising and did jack shit:
Take for example SEN sykko and dephh - fucked the roles a lot. Put a world champion controller to a sentinel role, and a world champ initiator to controller
C9: they got vanity leaf and xeppaa who were ex teammates in CS, lets be honest now, Vanity aint built for tier 1, and xeppaa was mid this season. Not to forget that zellsis was added which was largely due to Vanity's influence; zellsis isnt good enough for tier 1. when they dropped yay and vanity, and picked up jakee and runi with literally no tier 1 experience, they shocked everyone
Hot take: 100T asuna isnt fit for tier 1 either, (a lot of yall are gonna give me shit), but there's way better flex players in NA T2. he's just a poster boy for 100T, so he's made it this far.
Look at EG: picked up demon1 who also had no experience, I believe their only franchise purchase was ethan and the rest were already in EG roster and they won champs
TLDR: Many fraud players about to exposed cause orgs want cheaper players, which is good and gives opportunity for T2 players.