he was literally the best player TILL TODAY
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Registered: | April 19, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 12:32 PM |
Posts: | 1505 |
thats gonna sting like a motherfucker.......... man im gutted for the guard core... leaf remains a choker :(((((((((
yay has a masters trophy and diffed less, aspas on same team in his prime... Leaf has been considered "underrated best player" for like 5 years now and ALWAYS chokes
ur smoking dick... the guard has been good, players could've easily joined franchising but chose to stick together and made it together.. easily the best core since optic
i was ready to accept johnqt as the best IGL NA has seen since FNS won with Optic and made several international LANs. but no one really did FNS dirty like valyn does to johnQT... like has he ever beaten him? or atleast since G2 beat M80 in ascension?
big facts... no drama no bs no stupid talk no screaming.. just plays impactful valorant and wins like a boss..
fuck it.. aspas probably the best player ever.. what is this performance on 3 different teams... unbelievable shit
put some respect on Kru's name...
are you braindead? how am i excluding an entire year?? 2024 he did not play the whole year and still were looking better than the previous NRG roster. They did not qualify because the previous roster's failure affected their chances.. s0m said he wasnt even aware about this.. other than that.. this is literally the only time FNS has not qualified for an international LAN..
Your points are all invalid too.
Almost all of OPTIC member who were "carrying" FNS are either shitting the bed or watching the matches from their beds. None of them have been able to perform without him -- this goes for s0m too -- there is no evidence to suggest he is worldclass.. smokes or not - the only time he reached an international stage is when FNS was his IGL. There is nothing noteworthy for someone who just looks at the scoreboard, i.e single braincell fucks like you. fragging never really mattered for IGLs, FNS is bottom frag even when his teams win, its worse when he loses but lets not forget this is the first time FNS has not qualified for an international LAN. 2024 doesnt count.
constantly looking at the minimap, calling, reading the other team and then fragging is tough.. i feel this process is more democratic in some teams like SEN and G2 which enables johnqt and valyn to concentrate on shooting..
having said that i feel alot of IGLs have developed the skill of reading and calling so its not just FNS, Boaster, Angel and Saadhak.. also calling has become more democratic within a team which means if you don't have top tier mechanics as an IGL.. its very hard to win
how is it weird when i repeated what u said.. u must be gay to be wondering so much about other people's sexual life.. i know u dont put any pressure on any of ur chromosomes given how bad ur arguments are.. fuckin idiot
how? s0m has 0 trophies and FNS cooked him back when optic vs NRG (nrg had tex, ethan, eeiu).. or do u just mean mechanical skill and kills on scoreboard?
yeah this is classic leaf.. he has always overperformed in regional matches and then goes offline in important matches.. been that way since 2021
never watched a fns watchparty.. nt though. if i enjoyed that i would be celebrating his career downfall right? ur full of contradictions, really idiotic
FNS's teams have consistently done well. His teammates without him have consistently failed without him. These two are facts. Yes they lost two games (1-2 each time) and this format is brutal. There is no proof of him sucking, if any one underperformed today it was Verno.
I said put FNS on breach or whatever support initiator, not smokes. Verno and Ethan will need to figure out recon or sentinel.. Almost every good team has a good mechanical player on sentinel now
reminder that i can disagree with the title and voice whatever opinion i have.. u had a shit one to start with.. so i ripped it apart with facts and u have no rebuttal
nah.. while yes there are better mechanically skilled IGLs -- i can think of johnqt as an example but in my opinion john is probably the best in the world.. so thats an exception not the rule. HOWEVER i think FNS cannot be sentinel anymore.. Sentinels have to be ur second best if not the best mechanical player -- thats how they beat 100t... Verno was on Vyse. I think someone from s0m and verno will have to pick up sentinel and let FNS play breach or other flash intiators..
I will never talk about replacing FNS or Boostio as long as we have players like the entire C9 roster, EG minus yay and others who have literally done fuck all (Asuna, Xeppaa) in their entire career.. FNS gets to play as long as he wants to lol.. idc
can we please stop talking like FNS was ever known for his mechanical skills..
yet almost all of optic players are either shitting the bed or watching the games from home.. just like shaz lol.. why would FNS play tier 2 brother when he literally won 2 offseason tournaments this year itself and qualified for every international LAN till today.. dont even count 2024 cause they came in when it was already over.
yeah bro last year NRG was great... all i hear is excuses lol... none of the optic players have had any success without FNS
FNS's teams have always done decent lol.. they reached top 4 masters tokyo in 2023 and qualified for champs.. he hardly had any chance to play in 2024 and then won 2 off season tournaments in 2025.. they lost 2 close games (1-2) in 2025.. Shaz has done fuck all since 2021... and couldnt do shit in tier 2 with G2 either.. stop the cope.
You need your second best (if not best) mechanical player on sentinel.. Thats how NRG beat 100t - Verno was on Vyse. sOm or Verno will have to play sentinel. FNS plays breach or other support initiator... s0m or Ethan have to pick up Sova and put FNS on breach..
fuck no lol just say ur one of those kids who just looks at the scoreline..
partly agree, there are good shooting IGLs now, especially someone like johnqt for example.. but nevertheless boostio, boaster and FNS have won tournaments and deserve their chances.
nah no IGL can be treated in any way just by the score-line
life of an igl.. he is usually like that even when they win.. its verno who really shit the bed and s0m had a below average game
yeah he is very young aswell.. i feel he has had low self esteem because of his weight for the longest time and doesnt stream for the same reason.. hopefully he can change that and work on his brand
yeah they be fine but not in kickoff though.. 5 games in a row for bangkok aint happening lil bro
agreed but they need to fix their comp and work around and implement Tejo breach asap tbh.. and this kick-off format is fucked already.. they cannot have a slow start - they need to win 5 bo3s in a row at this point to make it to Bangkok and that doesnt seem realistic
nah.. its obvious u cannot have players that go " fuck it.. its our last year, we anyway gonna stream next year and make millions " and expect to consistently win out.. they will not win anything this year.. feel bad for mada and verno
he is mid.. i have never seen a C9 play and went wow.. never seen them turn around games after a tactical pause.. he is just mid and that is not enough
zellsis wanted to be CC.. i dont think he really liked competing and not making much money.. but his CC career never kicked off and whatever viewers he has are Sen viewers which is why he left to be SEN's 6th man and was never expecting to play.... actually thats the reason he hates mooda, its jealousy for his failed content creator career. (i dont like mooda either)
so one of NRG SEN and 100T will just crash out? thats 80% viewership right there....
mf thats shanks brother and aint nobody paying him "alot to get him"
most optic fans ( i am one of them) dont remember the fact that they did not wish to stay together after 2022. franchising or not. They talked about it at that time --- after the loss to LOUD, there was too much tension within.
matter of fact, franchising sort of forced optic core without yay to stay together cause of having only 5 franchised NA orgs. Their internal problems came back to surface in NRG which made FNS leave. He said that he would rather not wash dirty laundry in public which is why they never said anything.
Optic as 5 players with Chet would never return even if there was an org that would buy them. Thats the reality
fine ill say it..it was the constant crying of tenz on stream and using his influence in LA... notice how he never cried about jett when he was winning nor did he ever mention omen being one of the most broken smoke agents with viper (omen had the highest pick rate across regions)... on top of it he himself played chamber but was dogshit compared to yay
runi retired, has no interest in tier 2
brother she is not gonna say "yo this sym guy some hot assssss idk what i was thinking, he GONE!!!" but we all know thats what she was thinking... sym could not shoot. its that simple
he has improved his comms.. doesnt IGL at all per FNS.. i dont think he will go against Nature's calls but it seems he has been told to be more vocal
yeah thats how it starts.. valorant made the kid, not the other way around.. now im thinking he is in talks (probably with shroud) to make their own game and use their platforms to hype it up so they can print more money.. if they do they will just fail, lose all their money and also lose credibility to the point they become 500 viewer andies like ninja
I see.. well i guess props to him.. i see alot of ranked content creators hang around with subroza and shanks but they never really blew up.. this guy has the viewership of s0m at this point
is he cracked at the game or is it just vibes.. i see no real vlr record of him so im assuming he didnt really go pro