probaly cyberpunk 2077?
Ima say counter strike source. Open source code too so many amazing communities. Custom maps, custom mods, custom skins, it felt boundless at the time. CSS had wcs/war3 servers that basically made it the 1st valorant, remember tmu community had like over 200 classes. had build wars which made it the first fortnight, zombie modes that even fused with the wcs/war3 mods, surf servers with RPG extensions installed.
Source was also exclusively browser based gaming, so if you found a server you liked you could return to it, for days, weeks, or years. I made genuine friendships with some of these people i played with years ago, and still talk to them to this day. Thats the worst thing about gaming today, you literally play with random people ever single day. Back in CSS's prime? if you got on every day at 5pm with people from that server community, you played with them on the daily. So much fun when you play with people you know vs rando's
I just finished Elden Ring...It was such a beautiful ending and experience I shed a tear. Would actually say it's my favorite game of all time. Probably gonna NG+ soon.
God damn beautiful game even though it had its flaws I totally see why it was hyped.
Also pretty happy with all the Sekiro answers, one of the best most epic games of my life, will never forget the pure adrenaline I felt beating owl father in hirata, sword saint isshin for the first time...Fromsoft are fucking legends and I'm so happy we get DLC for Elden soon and Armored Core next month!
Of all time?
Counter Strike, the original, from 1.3 to 1.6. Without it there would be no mainstream tac shooter genre including valorant. Hell, there’s still people playing it to this day.
Warcraft III, because of its impact on the world of gaming, going into World of Warcraft spawning the mmo genre (I know it existed beforehand but WoW made it explode) and the original DOTA, giving rise to the MOBA genre.