Flag: Brazil
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: October 14, 2024 at 7:32 AM
Posts: 145
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O que eu acho bizarro é que a Bizerra nunca teve problema com nada disso de pessoas trans ou nb competindo até agora (independente se srn é ou não, nao to entrando nesse mérito). Aí agora perdeu e quer fazer tweet assim.

Tenho um colega de trabalho com quem eu joguei valorant umas vezes, o cara nunca viu campeonato nenhum, nem do cenário misto, nem do cenário inclusivo. Não sabe quem é aspas, sacy, e também não sabe quem é bastard, bizerra, jelly, nat1, drn. Nunca viu um jogo do GC. Mas quando tem essas polêmicas e ele vê algo como o que a bizerra postou, ele se sente no direito de falar do cenário e dar uma opinião de merda porque ele tá vendo alguém falando uma besteira que parece com a opinião porca e preconceituosa dele. No final o que a Bizerra fez prejudica o cenário como um todo. Ela tá atraindo hate não só pra ela própria e pra srn, mas pro cenário inclusivo como um todo que já é todo fudido.

Se ela concorda ou não com a permanência de certas pessoas no cenário, essa não é a forma de questionar. E eu gostava da bizerra pra caralho, mas ela cagou o pau. Simples assim.

posted 5 months ago

Chet is insufferable. omfg

posted 5 months ago

downvoted for speaking the truth. This team would get 13-0'd by MIBR with Shaz

posted 6 months ago

If your league can't even be profitable and mantain good viewership through the years, you shouldn't be worried about worlds and msi slots. You should worry about your scene as a whole. You're losing spots because the entire lcs was on the verge of being dissolved. Don't talk like you were the ones being punished. We are the ones being punished to save YOUR ASSES.

posted 9 months ago

nobody gives a fuck about 'exposure to major regions'. And there will be competition against LCS ONCE A YEAR. There is ONE upside to this and a million downsides.

posted 9 months ago

We were already watching LCS. Last split the peak viewership of LCS finals was half of CBLOL's, but that's because we had a watchparty with 100k views in brazilian portuguese. The ideia is obvious, they just announced a new import rule so that NA can hire brazilian players and get audience for it. Their currency is worth 5 times ours, so it'll be cheap and it'll bring public to them. And CBLOL will have to play against NA for a slot at worlds at the end of the year.

posted 9 months ago

We'll MAYBE get one team back, but we still want the other three. They could remove only one team, we still wouldn't apreciate that. That's not so hard to understand. We're fine on our own, and if LCS was not so incompetent, we could still have all 10 of our teams.

posted 9 months ago

assisto o cblol desde VTI ignis e o cara quer me ensinar sobre nossa própria liga mano kkkkkkkk americano é muito esquisito, os caras se acham dono da razão da porra toda. A liga dos caras indo pro caralho ano após ano e ele quer me falar que a culpa da gente perder 4 times não é a incompetência dos times da LCS.

posted 9 months ago

If LCS fans talked as much about their own league as they are talking about brazilian fans being mad for being buttfucked (i'm looking at you, LS), then the LCS wouldn't need to merge with no other league. Or do you think that if it was the brazilian league losing viewership, that the NA league would sacrifice anything to help us?

Of course it's the LCS fault, they failed their own franchise with their high salaries and lack of identity. You cannot possibly be here trying to argue with me about a thing I have watched for over ten years. You know nothing about CBLOL, because none of you gave a damn about the brazilian league until NA started to fall apart and you needed us.

posted 9 months ago

The difference is that those leagues couldn't hold viewership, meanwhile CBLOL had been growing for years. Stop comparing the brazilian league to other leagues, we DON'T WANT to be like the rest, and we are not. The brazilian league is profitable on its own. The LCS needs us, we don't need no one.

posted 9 months ago

how the fuck did FUT lose that last round? That was so fucking pathetic

posted 9 months ago

I'd like if that was true, but I've seen the management from brazilian teams for a few years now and... no, they won't consider it.

posted 10 months ago

I see that the islands are not the only virgins in here.

posted 10 months ago

Fizeram o cara trocar de função pra manter ele por meros 2 meses. Vai tomar no cu, que gestão porca da desgraça.

posted 11 months ago

The see throught bathrooms lol

One league player tells a story from when Sacy still played league, that he was leaving a restaurant and security stopped him on the way out and said: "We already told you, you cannot take the mugs with you". And pointed at his crotch.

posted about a year ago

There are SO MANY people who call tenz Tyson.

posted about a year ago

Beleza, Julia. Todo mundo acredita que você é uma mulher cis e não um incel virgem que é um repelente ambulante de xereca.

posted about a year ago

parece que ele não é homossexual também

Parece que você comeu merda o dia inteiro. Não tenho por que tentar argumentar com você. O seu QI não vai aumentar, mas corre o risco do meu diminuir com tanta besteira que você tá falando.

posted about a year ago

barbudo eu sou mas eu cabelo é preto, normal. E meio que foda-se o que ela quer que seja a cena. Quando ela for dona da riot ou fizer o jogo dela, ela pode decidir. na riot o gc é assim e cabou. Não existe essa discussão e principalmente não existe espaço pra tentar invalidar ninguém como ela fez. Seu argumento é basicamente "ela é mulher e ta falando sobre um cenario que envolve mulheres, então você não pode falar nada".

Sendo que ela é mulher falando sobre uma pessoa não binária invalidando essa pessoa pra um cenário que é feito pra pessoas não binária, então vai você e ela pra casa do caralho, fechou?

posted about a year ago

Você sabe que o GC não é só pra mulheres e trans né? e sim pra mulheres, trans e gêneros marginalizados.
TU não tem um pinguinho de vergonha de falar tanta MERDA não?

posted about a year ago

every single bo5 that they lost the first 2 maps you say. wasn't it 3x1 against optic in champs?

posted about a year ago

why are EMEA fans incapable of comprehending that they are simply not the best? KC gets cleared by 80% of the teams there

posted about a year ago

you gotta be a mad man to keep a girl like this. Ppl hated on him for what she said, and that's not really fair, but he should've just dumped her ass

posted about a year ago

Double eliminated by Loud. Couldn't even stand a chance.

posted about a year ago

me when reading comprehension doesn't exist.

posted about a year ago

RHZ joga vôlei?

posted about a year ago

Frod was already with the team in champs 2022, unoficially tho

posted about a year ago

wtf is blud talking about? If SR wins, you'll have max points.

I too have SR winning tho. I am cheering for TL, but I won't mind losing my pickems then

posted about a year ago

Where are my other 8 homies who made 185 points?

posted about a year ago

Fraudnatic couldn't even win vct emea lmao
Double eliminated by loud at the most important tournament of the year.

posted about a year ago

fnatic flair. Those two losses to loud really got to you huh?

posted about a year ago

Zekken cause America was just WAY more stacked than EMEA throughout 2023. All due respect, but outside of Fnatic (and Navi who basically lost every map 13-11 or OT) there were not really strong teams.

posted about a year ago

C9 who didn't make to any international event?

posted about a year ago

funny, ppl expected brazilians to stay after the game even tho it was past 9 p.m. of a sunday. lmao

posted about a year ago

Supernova always with the worst takes mankind has ever seen

posted about a year ago

Didn't NA lose 3-0 the grand finals of VCT to bronzil just a couple of months ago?

posted about a year ago

A man of culture, I see

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Because it would be pretty dumb to assume one cannot own a phone just because their country isn't rich.
I'm saying dumb but you know it's not dumb, it is what it is: racist.

People in the US are so full of themselves like their country is perfect, when it's quite the opposite.

posted about a year ago

But didn't QCK post on twitter that he's going to the US like yesterday? I thought he would just return to the team and play instead of Konan

posted about a year ago

Can confirme brazilian valorant casting is one of the best.

posted about a year ago

It's a tragedy what happened, but am I supposed to pretend the team was good even before? c'mon

posted about a year ago

Vitality flair 💀

posted about a year ago

I can't comprehend how on earth people think FNS is a better IGL than Saadhak, even tho LOUD was shit at masters. Saadhak has proven to be better than FNS over and over

posted about a year ago


you're literally a few clicks away of knowing this. There are only two bo5, which are the lower finals and the grand finals

posted about a year ago

You're 31 man, act like it. Stop being a literal manchild.

posted about a year ago

Just came back to wish leaf fans good luck in LCQ. Rip BOZO couldn't even qualify for masters. Have fun watching FNS and friends play in Japan tho

posted about a year ago

Fnatic just choked on today's finals. But lock in fnatic was a beast of a team.
That being said, the only fluke in valorant history was champions 2021. Acend was not even top 4 of that tournament.

posted about a year ago

They literally never looked like the strongest team in NA. Literally never

posted about a year ago
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