Flag: Mexico
Registered: September 3, 2022
Last post: August 3, 2024 at 6:13 AM
Posts: 14

they won the first map playing bad, take this a good warmup to getting in, they always have a slow start as they get more and more confidence

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

in mexico too we say chamba

posted about a year ago

creo que nadie se quejaria si quitan a mibr y le dan la oportunidad a un equipo mexicano en franquicias, si riot lo hace y le va bien, el valorant en MEXICO va crecer el publico por cual tambien los jugadores, ademas de que hay mucho mexicano y le combiene economicamente publicitar mas su juego aca que hay mucho gaming.

posted about a year ago

q ganas de que un equipo mexicano sobresalga en valorant, me gustaria que riot hiciera mas publicidad para retener publico mexicano y que crezca junto a LAN

posted about a year ago

maybe better than cryo and laz , taco diffed cryo at masters copenhagen, im sure that he will became super good he just need to fix his confidence and consistency problems, see klaus for example performing super bad every tournament and then he is super important at kru, he said that he only change his mentality to improve more

posted about a year ago

zelda series

posted about a year ago

he was so good in 2022 dude chill 2024 will be his year

posted about a year ago

HOW? Levi just had a low statr but when they woke up they destroyed vit 13-3 in vit map pick

posted about 2 years ago

totally agree.
And when SA TEAMS win and show an excellent performance they talk about how the other team played so bad instead saying how good SA TEAMS played demeriting its performance.

posted about 2 years ago

maybe, but even s0m said that they were a demons on scrims and the hardest team. Lets see

posted about 2 years ago

Why do some people are saying lev is good but nothing amazing??? They literally destroyed Zeta on Ascent 10-2 in Attack (a map very defensive)
on pearl they went 11-6 at Zeta Map pick before Zeta started waking up and being to play extremely low and pasive, i mean it was a though map ending but even at macro plays they were a lot better.

posted about 2 years ago