Following relegation from the North American Challengers League, Disguised announced they have released their Valorant roster and staff and are reevaluating the organization's future in Valorant.
Content creator DisguisedToast's organization entered the scene with Joshua "steel" Nissan leading former Knights Knights Inactive players and staff. The team's debut VCL NA season saw them finish within the top eight in the Mid-Season Face Off. Shortly after, the team signed superstar Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker in place of founding member Drake "Exalt" Branly.
In the days following, the team team underwent other internal changes. DSG signed Michael "nerve" Yerrow to replace Damion "XXiF" Cook, and Exalt returned from his month-long absence to fill steel's vacancy on the roster.
The team endured an extremely rough second split in the North American league, ending the regular season winless. In the Play-In Relegation, in which the bottom four teams of the league fought for a spot in 2024, Disguised lost 2-0 bouts to OREsports OREsports Inactive nillyaz Chase Linder Paincakes Jake Hass and MAD Lions MAD Lions Inactive BlackHeart Hasan Hammad bjor Joseph Bjorklund N4RRATE Marshall Massey Ange Adam Milian Trick Justin Sears that eliminated them from the running.
DSG is reevaluating their future in the Valorant scene. In late May, Toast projected his entirely self-funded project to end the year $1 million USD in the red. Those projections are likely to change with DSG's signing of a NA Challengers roster in the League of Legends scene.
steel and analyst Matthew "slow" Amuah announced they are open to opportunities. The former also announced that, given the uncertainty of the current tier 2 landscape in Valorant, he may return to small Counter-Strike competitions and streams.
Disguised Disguised Inactive steel Joshua Nissan Genghsta Amgalan Nemekhbayar clear Joseph Allen Exalt Drake Branly nerve Michael Yerrow yay Jaccob Whiteaker 's roster consisted of: