Flag: United States
Registered: November 19, 2021
Last post: January 16, 2025 at 5:18 PM
Posts: 376
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because I have a life ! cant a fella have fun and cook some random keyboard warrior once and a while? well thanks for my dopamine fix

posted 1 month ago

You have 5357 more posts than I do and my acc has been open for 2 more years than you.

Jesus christ, get a life dude. IK ur fuming rn but just close the browser tab, buddy

posted 1 month ago

in the 5 most recent tabs of your chat messages (last 2 months+), aside from the two times you used buddy in this thread, you used the word "buddy" twice, both in very passive-aggressive contexts !

sry I have too much time on my hands right now, gg go next

posted 1 month ago

says the guy who responds with "buddy" to OP. Why so hypocritical?

posted 1 month ago

go focus on your game that u care about so much brother !

posted 1 month ago

why are you not watching and commenting twice on a vlr post then?

posted 1 month ago

wouldn't be surprised if neon was viable on all maps minus icebox and maybe new map

posted 8 months ago

furia on 2nd map won both pistols AND BONUS and still got 13-8ed. need I say more?

posted 10 months ago

very nice

posted 10 months ago

how did you write this out and go "yes this was a banger reply" and then proceed to hit the button. EG's players and NRG's core obviously have every different styles/philosophies abt how to approach the game. With every new team, its takes a tremendous amount of time to gel and find chemistry. Look at sentinels last year, "I mean they had 4 champions on the roster..." what did they win?

posted 10 months ago

read my response to one tap, this is a very one-dimensional take. even if chet did anti strat, do you think a team with less than optimal fundamentals and cohesion due to being less practiced (than nearly half a year to their competitor) can carry out this antistrat? maybe, but I'm sure chet was focusing on fixing more obvious flaws instead

posted 10 months ago

yes it can be simultaneously true that one can anti strat. but to not think that having less than a month of practice doesn't factor into that aswell is absurd. do you really think an unprepared team that lacks fundamentals due to this can execute an anti strat strategy? obviously, there are bigger fish to fry on that team that they were focusing on. and yes we have seen countless of times that chet anti strats very well, and admittedly some he hasn't, but the times he hasn't, the team fundamentals/chem were in shambles.

but to separate both factors and not acknowledge they intermingle is narrowminded in my view

posted 10 months ago

why don't we go back to many sen vods where they had many "easy" rounds where they stuck in smoke. point being, many teams have these "easy" rounds, but we point them out when we want to support a narrative. the fact that does remain, is that the ultimate scoreline was close, and that if you consider a less than a month prepared team to a team that has been practicing the better part of half a year, is a bit commical

posted 10 months ago

rare W sen fan

posted 10 months ago

hes known as an heavy anti strat coach. hard to at the very beginning of season. admittedly he could have done better with the Sen game, but they still are operating with less a month of practice, so I will cut him some slack.

posted 10 months ago

imagine comparing a team with less than a month practice to a team with more than 4 months practice, and oh wait, the game was still arguably close!

posted 10 months ago

again, please re-read before hitting respond. from going to top2 to almost every international LAN and winning one of them to barely making every LAN. they had a terrible year for their standards, and nobody will disagree except you in order to win an argument. Ask anybody on that team, and they will tell you it was a terrible year. how many times has FNS and s0m said "this team was dead before half way thru the season"

and nice praying on a downfall, great look.

please start re-reading your writing. I'm worried about your middleschool (probably) exams and assignments <3

posted 10 months ago

nrg had a WHOLE YEAR they were shit and my flair hasn't changed. keep generalizing and hating. its a real good luck brotha. also next time you hit the reply button, re-read your response and think "is this good?"

posted 10 months ago

yeah i think what last couple years have proved to me, is that the first step is to think about chem and cohesion, and then try to make the most stacked roster without breaking that, which is obviously the tough part

posted 10 months ago

yeah na i got the point, insane team regardless. idk i also feel like crashies is such a must after watching comm vids. FNS must have relied on him so many times in their optic run

posted 10 months ago

another "yes. this is a banger response!" you realize most of NRG's fans are just optic fans, not original nrg fans. you are fighting a strawman here brotha

posted 10 months ago

i think marved for pancada might be better, for language barrier and chem

posted 10 months ago

generalizing a group and then hating them is crazy. are you sure your flag isn't supposed to be German?

posted 10 months ago

doesnt matter who started it. 3/5 of optic is present. that is a majority

posted 10 months ago

not acknowledging the whole nv optic core, and confidently trying to dunk on nrg fans is funny to see. like how do you write this, read it back, and think, "yeah this was a banger"

posted 10 months ago

on one map. and like i said, im not taking any sides. idk why you're fighting a strawman. I simply said that your putting down crashies to somehow justify another player's stats is odd

posted 10 months ago

idk what point you were trying to make with that link, optic goto owned 2 maps, so obviously stats are going to be very low for every player on that team in terms of kills and assists. and the map they did win, crashies had 1 less assist than Bob did in 2 maps.

Also, I am not detracting from Bob, I didn't watch the game, and frankly I don't care about that T2 game, but idk what you were trying to achieve here

posted 10 months ago

additionally, you putting down c9 and furia, and saying nrg barely beat them, meaning that nrg is a also a poor team, hurts your point further lol. if sen had a close game with nrg, and nrg had a close game with "the two worst teams in Americas" then what does that mean for sen? lil bro.

posted 11 months ago

Both points can be true simultaneously. sen, a team who practiced all off season, nearly lost to an nrg who practiced 1 month. nrg also had a close game with two poorer teams. and what? your point doesn't counter my point, both are true. My point was that nrg isn't that far behind, and if they can perform like this with so many things going wrong against a peak sen, then if they are even 75% peak, they could have a strong chance against most teams ITW

posted 11 months ago

i agree sen are better right now, but lets look at the facts.

Tenz and zekken has mircale map with both going 30 kills each. Demon1 had an undoubtedly poor day, and it's not because he is washed, he played very well in his previous two matches. Sen has months of practice/reps, and NRG had 1 month, and it was a very close match that arguably could have gone 2-0 if NRG had adapted better on the fly, which would happen given more time together as a team.

To me, NRG is no where near it's peak and SEN are near it right now.

posted 11 months ago

omg u got cooked this thread 😭

posted 11 months ago

they had time to get plant off even if he kills planter

posted 11 months ago

i was merely giving an example. and yes n4rrate was good in t2 with a bad team. but people are talking about his stats like they were prime tenz on c9. he had 3 stand out (in terms of stats) games on his tenure on madlions, 2 of which were aginst ORE, a very lackluster team last year.

but now we see he's one of the best initiators ITW. why cant we just let icy have a chance on a solid team before saying he's worse than neT? how do we know right now he is infact worse? we are just making shit up now.

posted 11 months ago

what do you mean his stats were insane on madlions. out of his tenure on madlions he has 3 stand out games based solely on stats. 2 of which were aginst ORE, which was undeniably one of the weaker teams in the circuit.

please learn how to argue. your premise is souly based on feelings here.

All I am saying is that based on n4rrates stas. he was a good t2 player but plenty of players looked more promising than him in t2. but now that he has a good team he's insane. what is to say Icy isn't similar? Many pros said n4rrate was insane, many say icy is the same. why are we judging so early without any basis?

posted 11 months ago

you are putting words in my mouth. when did I ever say that he's going to be the next n4rrate. my premise was that we don't know unless they are given a shot. Also, from watching n4rrate in his tier2 games, he has moments but by no means was did he show anywhere near what he's showing now from the eye test.

and don't come back and say "so many pros said he's insane!" because many pros say icy is very good too.

posted 11 months ago

which tier 1 teams trialled n4rrate? only nrg. terrible argument

posted 11 months ago

thats what we all said about n4rrate. stop judging someone based off of just stats. g2 made a change because they've hit a rut and needed something new.

posted 11 months ago

good counterargument bro

posted 11 months ago

this doesnt contribute anything. im just correcting OP saying that almost everyone successful rn was bad in cs go. saying some of them would be better now than back then is a given. could be said about most of them

posted 11 months ago

Sen had 2 champions all last year and never had their shit together “They are fucking washed”

posted 11 months ago

you understand so many of these current pro val players who are thriving now and played cs in the past were not good, tenz included. so whats your point

posted 11 months ago

we are basing this on one map. this isn't enough data. when ever in the world do we make assumptions after a sample size one ONE? max obviously had a bad day and zekken in peak form. we saw max in the previous two matches, I wonder what the matchup would have looked like if we had that max vs zekken? we don't know and its disingenuous to assert that we do for sure

posted 11 months ago

ah yes we like to make rankings after every match, I forgot. because we live in the present only!

when ever in the world do we make assumptions after a sample size one ONE? max obviously had a bad day and zekken in peak form. we saw max in the previous two matches, I wonder what the matchup would have looked like if we had that max vs zekken? we don't know and its disingenuous to assert that we do for sure

posted 11 months ago

demon1 == zekken. max had 1 bad series and we are forgetting all of last year. we have to look at his trackrecord too, ofc.

and sacy == crashies. are you ignoring comm videos? surely you hear how much value crashies gives in terms of info and midrounding

posted 11 months ago

who, in my short list, is falling off? LMAOO.. everyone i mentioned are in top 3 americas team + leaf/jawg who are def not washed. please stop being biased for shits and giggles, its obvious and embarrassing. and your first sentence made no sense. keep making incoherent arguments

posted 11 months ago

good job cherry-picking players to backup your biased argument.

tenz, s0m, fns, crashies, victor, ethan, jawg, marved, leaf, just to mention a few also came from CS. Why did you not mention any of these names, and only the retired players?

posted 11 months ago

yes, but this is a huge advantage for nrg nevertheless

posted 11 months ago

idk, there was a scrim leak of nrg running single deulist neon split. wouldnt be so sure everything is remaining the same

posted 11 months ago
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