Oh sh..t, I can't seem to avoid a daily dosage of sociology...
Seriously, dude, just let things go... trends come and go. We're just unlucky that we've all ended up living during these F-up times - unluchko! The days of DIVIDING societies in whatever possible means or techniques (any will do, just throw that in lmao) - the trend's most significant slogan --> divide and conquer. And it makes no difference whose side one takes, because BOTH sides are EXTREME today ... no middle ways, gradations or grey shades... just F-up, massive pile of shit - everywhere... And you can't even judge anyone neither subjectively nor objectively and critically, since everyone is angry, malding, or whatever victim they are today.
And it makes no difference if it's about Carlos, Tate, or Julien (not the leaker Julien, but the one before him)... or many, many more...
Revolutions eventually devour their own F...ed-up schmucks... because KARMA is a bishhhhh... and always knocks on one's door but later ;)
Ohh, and those on here who discuss morality and human rights... LMAO PLEASE... what morality and rights are you talking about? Everything has vanished in an instant... no morals (not that there were any to begin with)... no rights, especially human rights... nothing... zilch... everything vanished, violated and forgotten.
Walter Lippmann - GIGACHAD EZ ... You are quite welcome <-- inb4