This guy is a monster, highest rated player on controllers and he has the clutch genes, talon would have looked so scary with Sscary.
Excited to see him next year in franchised league.
U removing the fact that the game was always rng it's an fps game, only difference from t1 and t2 teams is that they have more experience, played lan more, strategically are more synchronized as a team and better but what u said there game sense and decision making is more seen in ranked play, radiant is radiant, nothing else to say about it they're all in a similar level, anyone can win anyone there in ranked depending on the mood ur in
You sound like u don't play let alone watch pro play . It's so dumb hearing these takes since beta with ppl that have no knowledge or Even watch the pro scene. There are players with vastly superior decision making which is why they continue to dominate the game Even when they have games where their aim is off.
Even a team consisting of the best players in every individual role is going to be trash without any coordination or strategy. UB was basically playing ranked vs tier 2 teams that scrimmed and practiced strats for months beforehand.
Even if they have been practicing, but their coordination or communication is off, then you'll end up like Liquid