This velocity roster looks great, I hope they can deliver on the hype skrossi can prove to be the weak link if they do make it to ascension I expect this roster to get to ascension and beat a couple teams at least
Flag: | India |
Registered: | August 2, 2022 |
Last post: | February 6, 2025 at 2:38 PM |
Posts: | 340 |
This velocity roster looks great, I hope they can deliver on the hype skrossi can prove to be the weak link if they do make it to ascension I expect this roster to get to ascension and beat a couple teams at least
This so funny at this point lol
mada: 1.29 rating great stats overall in na t2
primmie: took his team to champs in his first t1 game, 1.22 rating also great overall stats at THE TOP LEVEL IN VAL
mada is a great player but it's just funny to see you're still in denial of how good primmie is kek
aaaaand primmie proceeds to drop 30 to carry his team :3
what about jitboys, he def clears at least 3/5 players on the team u mentioned
APAC seems to be stacked for next year gen, prx, drx, t1 all look good and other teams like tln, dfm, rrq, spg, bme and ge all have potential we haven't seen ts yet and zeta seems to be the only meh team
why have people forgotten LF was like GE's best player for most of 2024 before falling off in stage 2
heck juvenile said he almost made this team and was the closest indian to making this team
"Indian gaming community is full of immature kids + immature adults who act like kids so he yeah" you literally just said this
I think rnt surely have potential to do damage at this event, but these indian teams consistently have the problem of crumbling mentally which we saw quite a bit of when rnt played spg
Even though boom lost they tried to put up a fight which is something that rnt wont do most likely, if they can keep their mental up they have the potential to get a top 4 finish this event
we know this feeling too well :')
As an Indian cricket fan, I am way too used to watch the team i support so desperately choke the finals. This one was still painful, I do hope these talented bunch of players bounce back and eventually win their well deserved masters/champs next year.
Actually, their group stage and early playoffs performance used to be good enough for the top 3. They used to finish 5th-6th as a result of choking.
I remember watching that MITH game. They were 12-9 up on map 3 and then proceeded to lose 12-14. That was so heartbreaking as an Indian fan. Then it happened again against Bleed at Ascension last year when they were 10-8 up on map 3 with all the momentum and lost 10-13. Being a fan of these teams really requires a lot of resilience lmao
GE looked really good today, hope they bring this level of play against good teams
iirc skrossi did a lot better than that against geng xD
Because now 100T will probably go on a run and eventually beat geng
ggs pacific
the thing is NRG was already so bad that if FNS and S0m get them to champs they will get a fuck ton of praise and will be seen as the reason why the roster improved and even if things go bad they won't get that much of the blame since it's like they just made the team before split 2 didn't have a lot of time etc.
And it is just really tough to look as bad as they already did
so tl;dr if they do good stonks up massively if they don't stonks mostly unaffected maybe slightly down
use common sense mate, aspas is on top despite playing at the highest level
for soulcas doesnt necessarily mean much
wtf are you saying my friend aspas has been the best player across all valorant esports recently
So let me break it down; your only argument is trophies. While trophies are great and only good teams get to touch them, not winning a trophy does not make a team bad automatically. To win a trophy a lot apart from just a team's skills has to go right.
LightningFast (unpopular opinion?)
i think TS and TLN are very close it just comes down to who's better on a particular day
damn brother they must have done something really bad to you for you to hate them that much
It's because hating on GE is the 'socially correct' thing to do. To anyone who says T1 deserve more than GE - GE should have won the series against talon which would've sealed the slot for them. They gave a fight to zeta too. Can you say the same about T1?
Yeah I hope they qualify so they'll get to play prx? and get destroyed which will force them to look at their shit more and try to improve more.
ig his frustration is understandable they should have won this map and it was crucial for qualification scenarios too
Need omen tips guys
Don't worry guys, we just need to win icebox then we can 2-0 dfm HOPIUM COPIUM LETSGO
gj then koreans
then, there are other "super teams" that did not work out like that. Take NRG for example.
I mean ur saying that because they are good now, in the off season geng were getting a lot of shit for not building a good roster. They released k1ng and got lakia people werent happy lmfao
i mean probably lmao super teams on paper rarely work out that way
his igl could be good, if it doesnt work drag blazeking in and make him igl at gunpoint
juicy (duelist)
invy (initiator)
jitboys (smokes/flex)
monyet (smokes)
benkai (igl)
blazeking (6th)
yeah the synergy is looking good, if they keep this up they could contend for going to champs
IMO instead of building a 5 indian roster straight away, they can add indians incrementally. For next year they should get deathmaker probably.
imagine if GE had closed out breeze v/s talon
they also could've beaten zeta but lacked composure (though this would be more farfetched than the talon game)
Anq's stats really look goat level but it's actually easier to achieve that in Indian VCL than u think. Last year, azys and deathmaker had similar stats for split 1.
TMV goes off on every team and it's always fun to watch. love that guy.
Haven't seen any EG matches, what happened to my goat?
Bruh, Rossi had 2 problems - his agent pool and his inconsistency. You can't blame the roster not realizing its potential purely on rossi. The team also had issues getting along which was surely a crucial factor in deciding its potential, was that also rossi's fault? The team lost 2 games that they should have won before rossi joined them in korea, they wouldn't be in the "must-win" situation had that not happened. That wasn't rossi's fault.
Anyways the thing is we wouldn't be having this convo if GE decided to stick with t3xture or get another good duelist, but the fact that they replaced rossi with polvi who hasn't had 1 good series this season is what leads people to write posts like these. Get a better player than rossi -> no one's asking for him to come back. Simple.
I think ppl forget that last year bro had insanely good games too. He wasn't that bad u can still see the stats but he either had very good games or very bad games and that was the bad part.
ngl his util today was actually good
but yes so far he's been playing like a gold player against bronze players, just swinging
Well the point of this post wasn't to get him to play for GE xD
I was just wondering why teams didn't pick him up cus i did remember he was on texture level
So for a while i've been thinking it's unfortunate he didn't get to play this year and I was wondering how good he would do if he does get to play cus I remember he was on a similar level to t3xture before they both joined GE. So, I dug up some stats:
For most of 2022, they both played duelist and had similar stats with bazzi being slightly better. They both were also the best players apart from the drx guys.
Bazzi also had this insane game against DRX
In 2023 their stats were also similar and both were off their main roles (bazzi had flexed a lil before that though)
Seeing how well texture has done makes me wonder if he's the most slept on player rn. He might or might not have been as good as texture is right now but he for sure should have been picked up by someone at least. (maybe his hand injury? had played a role)