Idk why vlr doesn't allow voting, but comment down
Americas : ???
EMEA : ???
Pacific : ???
can’t lie most of optic’s fan base came from the fact they were the only team winning in NA. the players didn’t stream often, nor create content. any team for all i know could’ve been in optic’s position and would’ve garnered the same fan base. not hating optic, because i like them. just saying a lot of the reason they had a big fan base was because there was no one else in NA to support really.
Americas: TenZ - just because there's still so so many fanboys who thinks he is a god and still look at his Iceland 2021 stats.
Europe: zeek - he was good last year, but has been really inconsistent in 2022. Some people still think he is god tier flex even though there are better ones.
Pacific: idk Skrossi I guess
cannot think of anyone from apac who's overhyped simply because we havent won shit and thus there is nothing to be overhyped about.
but if theres someone who imo probably gets more credit than he's due it's f0rsakeN. guys a beast but people act like he's the s1mple of valorant when he's mostly overshadowed by jinggg.
America: TenZ/Zander/Derrek
EMEA: SUYGETSU (nAts would own this kid if he was on a top tier team)
Pacific: stax (he’s an amazing igl and skilled player but holy fuck people talk about him like he averages 240 acs. He’s probably the most or second most important player on DRX but he doesn’t frag as hard as people think he does)