You guys just don't understand what empathy is. wtf is this? I ask to make a tribute to an era of OCE eSports and you all make jokes.
You guys just don't understand what empathy is. wtf is this? I ask to make a tribute to an era of OCE eSports and you all make jokes.
I framed the thread like a ChedZ thread, and I'm trying to make a sarcastic post because i really am deeply upset. I know all about internet psychology and the depersonification of people (or users) online, but it's still sad to see peoples treatment of a team that's been a rock in my adult life. I've been an ORDER fan through relationships, houses, jobs and uni. It's not only a team that let's me show my patriotism in a subtle manner, but also a community that I love.
I'm allowed to be pissed
esports is more important than family, more important than job, more important than life. If your favorite silly internet people dont make the number 13 appear on their side of the screen before the other silly internet people than their is nothing for you to live for. It is a healthy obsession and should be encouraged
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but i have to do it, my hate urge is running.
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