It's amazing how KRU has never lost a single match against a BR team.
KRU v VK 2-0
KRU v NIP 3-0
KRU v LOUD 2-1
KRU v TBK 2-1
KRU v VK 2-0
"super furia" got 13-3 and 13-4 against Loud
only brainlets were overhyping them
Me saying even NIP would do better than Furia days ago
everything to you, a braindead, is "cope"
not everyone is a loser like you, braindead
Vc não precisa falar isso, tu vai ser julgado, espera eles se encontrarem no Champions q esse papo de ser melhor vai cair por agua abaixo, todo mundo sabe disso.
Um exemplo do futebol seria se um time de serie b vencesse um de serie a na copa do brasil por exemplo, mesmo não sendo mérito total do time da serie b, a torcida do time que venceu vai zoar mt e o time q perdeu vai virar piada, ainda mais se isso for um histórico que se repete igual KRU x Brasil.
Covid case justifies them not playing in stage, how dumb are you to literally not see it? ITS A FUCKING DISEASE.
NiP couldn't played from the office cause they didnt have their office in Argentina.
The same thing happened to latam team in Brazil, they had to play in stage and they had to divide the team between 4 of them while Brazil could play from their own practice rooms all the time.
Stop being delusional kid.
Neither latam stages nor Brazilian had practice rooms where they could play, the best way was to get NiP in stage.
And the stage was with no audience so it was like a practice room, and Kru was in their practice room so what the fuck is the problem.
Let's wait in Istanbul for NiP to play KRU in a stage, oh wait, forgot NiP can't
that's not the only time that LEV roster played against Brazil